Every one of us goes through dark valleys and troubled times. But in Christ Jesus we have hope. And hope restores in every situation—no matter how dark it may seem.

To say the last year has been challenging would be an understatement for most of the world.

On a national level, almost everyone has experienced a COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty. Added to that, you may have walked through political volatility or personal struggles like a job crisis, health challenges or relational struggles.

After you have walked with the Lord long enough, you begin to see the truth that the place of trouble always, always leads to a door of hope.


God takes your deepest valley, your valley of Achor, and he transforms it into a door of hope.

After the door of hope, Hosea says, comes joyful celebration: “She shall sing there, As in the days of her youth, As in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt” (Hos. 2:15b, NKJV).

You will sing and celebrate as Miriam did when God had worked a miracle and delivered the Israelites from Egypt, right through the midst of the Red Sea (Ex. 15:20).

Don’t Stop in the Middle
