GEM Missions – Treasures from GEM
“Freely We Have Received – Now Freely We GIVE”

Jason Kenyon – Co-ordinator
Not only does GEM support international efforts to bring the Word to the body of Christ, but we also look for opportunities to resource and equip local ministries and churches. As part of our ‘TREASURES From GEM’ program, we have been able to provide equipping resources by James and others in the form of books, study guides, Bibles, CDs, and other helpful tools. We emphasize this ministry during the holiday season in November and December each year. Kaytlin Hanson sacrificially served this arm of ministry with great excellence for many years, and now Jason Kenyon is serving as the Coordinator of Distribution for ‘TREASURES From GEM.’
In recent months, materials have been distributed to Harvest Sound Church, Kings Hill House of Prayer, Fire Church, Olive Tree Church, Unite Church, People Loving Nashville, The Dwelling Place, Power House Ministry, Gap House of Prayer and Grace Center in the greater Nashville area. With the help of your generosity, we gave over 600 books, study guides, and CDs to empower the local body of Christ in the Nashville area.
In the past, we have given hundreds, and at times thousands, of books and Bibles to prison ministries across the nation. We are currently coordinating this for the 2024 Christmas Holiday.
We aim to raise up harvesters who are filled with the revelation of Christ Jesus to impact communities, cities, states, and regions. If you would like to contribute, click the button below and select ‘GEM Missions’ as the project or note Treasures in the memo.
Thank you so much!