James’ Recent Articles

James’ Recent Articles2021-07-27T11:53:27-05:00

Let the Lion Roar! A Prophetic Intercessory Encounter

In a prophetic intercessory time with my God Encounters Ministries staff, I found myself declaring by the Holy Spirit, “It is time for the Lion to roar!”  I have enough experience to know to flow with the “river of God” believing that I, or others, would be able to interpret the encounter later. A rumbling continued in my heart and out of my mouth the overflow of abundance tumbled forth, “It is time for the Lion to Roar!” Knowings started coming to me that this experience contained a multi-dimensional realm of understanding that would require prayer and time to properly process and [...]

By |July 20th, 2017|

Have You Encountered a Father’s Love?

For many people today, the word father does not stir up happy thoughts of love and security, but painful memories of rejection, abuse, anger, fear, or loss. As a child in rural Missouri, I grew up knowing that Jesus loved me, but knowing "God as Father" was another matter! I just could not connect with this seemingly aloof and stern being called "God." But through a lengthy process and a powerful healing encounter, my perception has been altered. I want to share three simple steps that can help you approach Papa God as your loving heavenly Father. But first, allow me to [...]

By |July 13th, 2017|

One God Encounter Changes Everything!

Does God still supernaturally invade people's lives today? Those in modern church history would echo a resounding—YES! What would change in your life if you were personally encountered by God? If the lives of those in scripture provide any precedent, one God encounter changes EVERYTHING! And if He can break in on Jacob, Moses, Deborah, Saul, and a host of others, He can break in on you! Jacob’s encounter with the living God—in a dream in the wilderness at Bethel—changed him from a deceiving schemer and trickster into Israel, “prince of God,” and father of a nation of the people of God. [...]

By |July 6th, 2017|

Why Should I Be a Watchman for Israel?

As followers of Jesus Christ, we serve as watchmen for the people of God, whoever they may be—even the ones who do not yet identify themselves as the people of God. God asks volunteer watchmen like you and me to shoulder a burden for the Jewish people and for all of the descendants of Abraham. God’s plan is to bring Jews alongside Gentiles (non-Jews) into full saving knowledge of Christ. He wants to win over Jews, Arabs, Chaldeans, and all residents of the Middle East to His Son. The day will come—and we have a key part in hastening it—when "the earth [...]

By |June 30th, 2017|

Will You Be a Modern-Day Daniel?

In these days of division and tension, Daniel is a perfect role model of leadership and excellence as a watchman. When Daniel was exiled and found himself in the court of the king of Babylon, he dedicated himself to bringing the rule of God into that pagan place. He did it through stellar character and incessant prayer. He was a true intercessor, a watchman on the walls. Daniel did not attend Hebrew University but rather was trained in the School of the Chaldeans. He invested himself entirely in both the success of the king under whom he had been forced to serve [...]

By |June 22nd, 2017|

Simple Prayers Get Big Results

A question I am often asked goes something like this, “Why does God need our prayers anyway?” Have you ever wondered why God seems so intent on having us pray for every single thing? Is He not sovereign and merciful and willing to take care of everything, whether or not his people ask Him each time?Come to Papa Like a Trusting ChildLet’s develop this a little bit. In His goodness, He wants you to come closer to Him. The most straightforward way to do that is through our simple, confident praying. Like trusting children, we come to Papa. He supplies what we need in exactly [...]

By |June 8th, 2017|

Taking a Firm Stand in Prayer

To be effective in praying for the complex situations in the world today—particularly in places like, say, the Middle East or in the volatile political arenas of many nations—we need men and women of consecration and excellence, like biblical Daniel. We must take a firm stand! The long days and weeks of our lives may be leading up to a culminating event that only God knows about. We dare not relax or retire from active watchman duty or from the practice of holy living that makes us able to plead God's promises with consistency and integrity. If you are not already familiar [...]

By |June 1st, 2017|

Dreaming with God

Did You Know That the Stars Speak? They did in Abraham’s day! The creator of the universe gave a direct and amazing word to one of his friends. He told him to go out and count the number of stars that lit up the sky at night. Imagine, counting the stars at night! So, what did Abraham do? He went out and started counting the stars! I suppose it went something like this. After telling his wife, Sarah, good night, Abraham goes on a long walk in the evening air, pondering and peering into the heavens. In obedience, he begins to count [...]

By |May 25th, 2017|

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