A Fresh Revelation For The Global Prayer Movement!
While in Pasadena, California two weeks ago ministering at the Voice of the Prophets Conference, I was ministering away on the theme of “Prophecy Life”. Then “it” happened! What is the “it”? HA! Hold on – I will get to “it”!
For me, the prophetic seer realm sometimesopens up unexpectedly. I wish it were by will – but for me, it is not. It opens up for me especially while in worship, sometimes while just doing something natural, sometimes while ministering privately and sometimes while on stage or the platform ministering.
This is how I got the revelation for PRAYER STORM. I saw it when I was awakened from a commissioning dream. I remember when I saw the words AMP and MAP written out in front of me and large glowing amber letters. I said to the Holy Spirit, “What does this mean?” He quickly responded, “When the A (apostolic) is M (made) P (personal), there will be M (mighty) A (authority) in the P (prophetic) in that place. I will AMPlify my voice and I will put those apostolic renewal centers on my MAP.” Fascinating encounters indeed…
This is also how I received the word, “The Beginning of the Third Great Awakening”, and many other pertinent revelations. For me when this occurs, it is always something significant.
Well, while on the platform of Ambassador Auditorium two weeks ago, my spiritual eyes were opened and I saw the word SHOP written out in front of me hanging in mid-air. Those who know me know I do like to shop! But of course, this was not a word from the Lord telling me to go shopping! I was caught by this experience right in front of everyone – with hundreds present. Then as fast as I saw it, a download went right into me. Wanna know what I heard?
It’s time for SHOP! It’s time for the Salvation House of Prayer! Wow! That was amazing! I saw that there was grace in the room for at least 25 HOUSES of PRAYER that would carry this anointing for Prayer Evangelism… Later in more of the inspirational gift of prophecy, the Holy Spirit said, “It is time for the WAR HOP to be released: Houses of Prayer contending against the powers of darkness. These Houses of Warship will send the enemy to flight!”
Do you realize that many of our amazing local churches and “Houses of Prayer” expressions rarely actually pray for souls? Well, it time! It’s time for the Salvation House of Prayer – so let’s SHOP TILL THEY DROP! Just incredible! I am still buzzing with that revelation ringing within me.
I love what exists today – but this is a call to add God’s heart for the lost in our many different “Houses of Prayer” expressions. It’s time for the Harvest! So let’s release the SHOP!
By the way, sign up for “the hour that changes the world” with Prayer Storm at www.prayerstorm.com. We will definitely be doing more SALVATION INTERCESSION there. Why? Because it is time for another harvest!
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