
1 Sep, 2020

Prophet: Praying for the Wisdom Ways of God

By |2020-09-17T12:35:43-05:00September 1st, 2020|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and men" (Luke 2:52, MEV). Wisdom is one of the primary qualities of God's Holy Spirit—in Isaiah 11:1-3, the spirit of wisdom is listed as one of the seven Spirits of God. He is wisdom personified: "God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself" (1 Cor. 1:30a, NLT). I would say wisdom is even more vital to prophetic people, than the divine revelation they receive, because only through God-sent wisdom can they know how to handle the [...]

12 Sep, 2019

Prophetic Wisdom Lessons: What To Do & What NOT To Do

By |2019-09-12T15:10:06-05:00September 12th, 2019|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Wisdom is invaluable for any believer and all the more when exercising your prophetic gift. We need all the wisdom we can get, particularly when we are handling words of revelation in these perilous and controversial days. The following prophetic wisdom lessons from my years in prophetic ministry will help you discern what to do & what NOT to do as you grow in your prophetic gift. Prophetic Wisdom Lessons—What Not to Do Through my many years of active ministry, I have learned a few things. As a prophetic person who is wired to be extra-sensitive, there are certain [...]

31 Dec, 2018

A Word of Wisdom for Those Receiving Prophetic Dreams in This Hour

By |2019-12-06T09:49:28-06:00December 31st, 2018|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

Dreams are known as "the sleep language," and since the time of creation God has brought divine revelation to mortal men and women while they are sleeping. Scripture even calls a prophet a "dreamer of dreams" (see Deut. 13:1; Num. 12:6). Many Christians hold the mistaken impression that prophetic dream encounters are reserved for a small, elite group of especially sensitive or gifted people. But this simply is not the case. Dreams are a specific portion of the prophetic ministry; they are not limited only to the prophetically gifted. Joel 2:28 says, "And it will be that, afterwards, I [...]

15 Feb, 2018

12 Common Dream Categories: How Many Have You Had?

By |2018-02-15T14:35:44-06:00February 15th, 2018|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Dreams are as diverse as the languages we speak, the clothing we wear, and the food we eat. Dreams are a communications expression of the creative heart of God. As the Master artistically paints each flower of the field, so dreams are individually, tailor-made for you and me. What are dreams made of? Are they Spiritual gifts given for us to unwrap? Revelatory dreams naturally fall under the spiritual gift of prophecy. Yet they are too broad to be confined neatly and strictly just to one gift. Dreams may also be an impartation of the gift of discerning of [...]

17 Aug, 2017

Dramatic Dream Encounters

By |2017-08-17T16:05:11-05:00August 17th, 2017|Recent Articles|2 Comments

Dreams are known as “the sleep language,” and since the time of creation God has brought divine revelation to mortal men and women while they are sleeping. Scripture even calls a prophet a “dreamer of dreams” (see Deuteronomy 13:1; Numbers 12:6). Many Christians hold the mistaken impression that prophetic dream encounters are reserved for a small, elite group of specially sensitive or gifted people. But this simply is not the case. Dreams are a specific portion of the prophetic ministry, they are not limited only to the prophetically gifted. Joel 2:28 says, “It will come about after this that [...]

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