strike the mark

23 May, 2019

Exposing Demonic Gateways

By |2019-05-23T06:34:45-05:00May 23rd, 2019|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Today it appears that the enemy’s fingerprints are on just about everything. We can become so accustomed to them that we allow him to carry on his dirty work unchallenged. Intercession Challenges the Devil’s Work Well, not forever. When intercessors get involved, they challenge the powers of darkness. People who know how to pray effectively also know how to apply the Word of God to figure out what, exactly, they are dealing with. They know that God’s people have an enemy who opposes them at every opportunity. They also know that their prayers put a restraining order on the devil [...]

9 May, 2019

Inviting God’s Glory to Strike the Mark

By |2019-05-09T11:02:00-05:00May 9th, 2019|Recent Articles|0 Comments

I awoke suddenly out of a vibrant dream that was filled with lightning. (Although this happened years ago, I remember it as if it were yesterday.) One lightning bolt after another exploded before my eyes—continual, splintering, powerful lightning bolts from heaven to earth. No people. No words. Just incessant light, action, sound. When I woke up from this intense, Holy Spirit-saturated dream, the whole room still crackled with God’s electric presence. I lingered in that presence for twenty minutes or so before it dissipated. Strike the Mark As I lay there musing, What in the world was that about? I [...]

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