
15 Nov, 2021

The Significance of Changing Garments

By |2021-12-09T16:16:19-06:00November 15th, 2021|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

One of the most powerful themes I have observed in Scripture is "changing garments." This principle is spiritual but manifests itself clearly in the natural. As you move from glory to glory and exchange the "old" for the "new," there is a period of testing and vulnerability once the old is cast off and then finally the new is brought forth in due time, both sparkling and radiant—a testimony to transformation.Let's observe this principle at work in some of our most loved biblical heroes.Changing Garments: Joseph, Ruth and LazarusWe can start with the example of Joseph, who initially received a [...]

8 Nov, 2021

Get Ready for Your Personal God Encounter

By |2021-11-08T15:20:10-06:00November 8th, 2021|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

By the grace of God, my life has been filled with "God encounters"—God taking me to mountain tops, leading me through the valleys and walking with me in the small moments, every step of every day. Really? Yes, and you can live a life filled with personal God encounters too. Just think about the experience of the disciples. Their lives had been transformed during three years of walking with Jesus. They were fresh from the rollercoaster of losing their Master, then getting Him back. Now He was telling them it was better for them if He left because then [...]

1 Nov, 2021

Who Is the Apple of God’s Eye?

By |2021-11-08T15:19:54-06:00November 1st, 2021|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

It seems as if God has been conducting a monumental chess game throughout the ages, waiting for the strategic moment in history to make His move. Yes, the playing board has been set and the pieces have been chosen. The call for watchmen is the strategic positioning of His intercessory knights and prophetic bishops being brought together for a sweeping move—one that all the world will observe closely. No eye will miss this mysterious and fascinating time. We must pray, therefore, for our eyes to be opened with spiritual understanding. Seeing through God's Eyes After our move from Kansas [...]

28 Oct, 2021

Who Is the Apple of God’s Eye?

By |2021-10-28T17:48:50-05:00October 28th, 2021|Recent Articles|0 Comments

It seems as if God has been conducting a monumental chess game throughout the ages, waiting for the strategic moment in history to make His move. Yes, the playing board has been set and the pieces have been chosen. The call for watchmen is the strategic positioning of His intercessory knights and prophetic bishops being brought together for a sweeping move—one that all the world will observe closely. No eye will miss this mysterious and fascinating time. We must pray, therefore, for our eyes to be opened with spiritual understanding. Seeing through God’s Eyes After our move from Kansas [...]

25 Oct, 2021

A Prophetic Word: It’s Harvest Time for Your Life!

By |2021-10-25T13:42:15-05:00October 25th, 2021|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

I have a word of exhortation for you—God is about to exhale a blessing upon your life. Your harvest is right upon you. Yes, you heard me. It's harvest time for your life! Have you ever felt like giving up? Just don't quit and don't give up. God wants to give you a "finishing anointing" to complete your assignment or task and finish it well! I have a word of exhortation for you—It's Harvest Time for Your Life! More...

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