
24 Aug, 2023

The Great Harvest: 40 Years of Prophetic Words Now Being Fulfilled

By |2023-08-24T17:17:52-05:00August 24th, 2023|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Recently, I prepared a concise summary of many of the prophetic words and signs that have come forth over the past 40 years—each of these pointing to the reality that we are living IN the beginning of the Great Harvest—THIS IS THAT! What you are about to read is more of an outline than a detailed article. However, I expounded on each of these points in greater detail in my recent “This Is That” message at the 25th Anniversary Women on the Frontlines Conference in Nashville, TN. Click Here to watch as I share the full message that goes along [...]

2 Feb, 2023

What Is Your Prophetic Wiring?

By |2023-02-02T17:34:02-06:00February 2nd, 2023|Recent Articles|0 Comments

God wants to anoint you with His grace through your unique prophetic wiring to impact the body of Christ in the place He has called you! He will do that in as many diverse ways as there are people, personalities, and gift mixes across the face of the earth. I cannot emphasize enough how big God is. We see an almost bewildering variety of gifts, anointings, ministries, and combinations across the Body of Christ. Yet even with such diversity, everything is under the governance of the same Lord: “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are [...]

6 Oct, 2022

Prophetic Insights for Hebrew Year 5783

By |2022-10-06T15:26:42-05:00October 6th, 2022|Recent Articles|0 Comments

We have crossed over into a Hebrew New Year of 5783. There is the civil calendar that we live in, and then there is the Hebrew calendar that we celebrate—but God's calendar is the Hebrew calendar. Although many prophetic people will do a forecasting of things that are to come in the new year, looking at the Hebrew symbols and letters and things of that nature, I don’t tend to be one who interprets the lettering and the numbers, per se. Instead, out of my prophetic calling, I tend to lean into what the Holy Spirit is highlighting to me [...]

15 Sep, 2022

3 Major Prophetic Flashpoints

By |2022-09-15T14:39:38-05:00September 15th, 2022|Recent Articles|0 Comments

As we prepare to cross over into a New Hebrew Year, I want to share with you three major prophetic flashpoints that were given to me in three sequential dreams in one night. For a moment, let’s peer into our lead scripture concerning open heavens. “After He was baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the spirit of God descending as a dove and settling on Him, and behold, a voice from the heavens said, “This is My beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:16–17 The [...]

7 Jul, 2022

Reviewing 5 Prophetic Words for 2022: A Time Like No Other

By |2022-07-07T17:16:34-05:00July 7th, 2022|Recent Articles|0 Comments

As I leaned into the Lord in the Fall of 2021 about what the year of 2022 holds, here are 5 prophetic words (or insights) I received. It is always good to review the words you have been given so you can take stock of what has come to pass and what remains to be seen. This allows you to renew your faith and strengthen your belief for the days yet to come. I hope this is an encouragement to you as it is to me. 2022 is a time like no other. It is a year… 1. When It’s [...]

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