
7 Mar, 2012

God’s Call: Be a House of Prayer – Part One

By |2017-09-14T12:58:17-05:00March 7th, 2012|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Introduction – First Prophetic Word The very first prophetic word I ever heard was one that came out of my own mouth.  When I was filled with the Holy Spirit in the fall of 1972, a word rose up out of my innermost being. I heard myself declare, “And as it was in the last week of the earthly ministry of Jesus, so will it be in the last week of the Last Days of Jesus’ ministry by the Spirit in the earth. He will come to visit His Father’s House and He will declare, “My House shall be [...]

16 Nov, 2011

Jesus and the Ministering Angels

By |2017-09-18T14:04:17-05:00November 16th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

THE MOST AMAZING HISTORY LESSON Thoughts from Colossians 1:16 (NASB)Paul, the beloved apostle, gave us great insight in Colossians 1:16, “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities -- all things have been created through Him and for Him.” Jesus created all things, all spheres, and all powers. All things created both in heaven and in earth have the same ultimate purpose – to serve God’s purposes and to give Him glory!1 Timothy 3:14-16 (NASB)Paul gave us the following short, but unique, rendition [...]

19 Oct, 2011

The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening

By |2017-09-18T14:04:37-05:00October 19th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

The Following is an Excerpt From the Book "Prayer Storm" Written by James W. Goll Without prayer, revival will not come. But, what does this kind of prayer look like? In 1976, an Oxford-educated church historian named J. Edwin Orr gave a talk entitled “The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening” at the National Prayer Congress in Dallas. A videotape of his presentation was made and it is still available today. Here are some excerpts from it: Dr. A. T. Pierson once said, “There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin [...]

7 Sep, 2011

The Gentle, the Rude and the Great Awakenings

By |2017-09-18T14:04:59-05:00September 7th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

In the book, The Call of the Elijah Revolution, which I co-authored with Lou Engle, I speak of three stages and types of the overall awakening. We can see these three awakenings—the gentle, the rude and the great—in world events and Church history as well as in the Bible. Gentle Awakening If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you will know that the past twenty years or so have been marked with a growing awareness of God’s desire for intimacy with His people. God’s awakening process has taken the form of outpourings of His Spirit [...]

10 Aug, 2011

God’s Rules for Battle!

By |2017-09-25T13:46:16-05:00August 10th, 2011|Recent Articles|0 Comments

With Joni Ames   As many of us know, there has seemingly been an increase in the level of battle or warfare in these times. Just as the weather has been heating up, so has "life," in general. Many have experienced panic attacks, fear, depression, and hopelessness on pretty serious levels. We are talking about Christians. Now, before any of us try to "judge" that, let us just remember that Jesus warned of these times over 2,000 years ago. This isn't something "new." We've all gone through warfare and battles before. However, there seems to be an increase and [...]

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