inner quiet

21 Apr, 2022

Discovering the Place of Inner Quiet

By |2022-04-21T15:25:42-05:00April 21st, 2022|Recent Articles|0 Comments

If you want to find God in your everyday experience and sense His real presence throughout life’s struggles and joys, you must learn about a kind of prayer few people understand: the prayer of inner quiet. Many ministries have sprung up to teach Christians how to be prayer warriors—how to pray for the lost, our schools, our towns and cities, and our nation. Yet, for all our praying, we may lack a sense of closeness and intimacy with God to whom we pray. Do you know how to truly find God in your prayer time? With all our understanding about [...]

7 Apr, 2022

How to Find the Secret Place Where God Abides

By |2022-04-21T14:20:50-05:00April 7th, 2022|Recent Articles|0 Comments

The gospel is so simple and real. God loves us enormously; it’s as though He has decided to leave us love notes everywhere. But how do you find the secret place where God abides?Whenever you open your heart to see and hear Him, He is there.It’s wonderful to look back over your life and see those hidden messages strategically placed—especially when you did not notice them earlier.When I’m Calling YouI have one such love note I’d like to share with you. When I was growing up, my family enjoyed watching Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy movies. Jeanette MacDonald had a beautiful [...]

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