dream language

17 Aug, 2017

Dramatic Dream Encounters

By |2017-08-17T16:05:11-05:00August 17th, 2017|Recent Articles|2 Comments

Dreams are known as “the sleep language,” and since the time of creation God has brought divine revelation to mortal men and women while they are sleeping. Scripture even calls a prophet a “dreamer of dreams” (see Deuteronomy 13:1; Numbers 12:6). Many Christians hold the mistaken impression that prophetic dream encounters are reserved for a small, elite group of specially sensitive or gifted people. But this simply is not the case. Dreams are a specific portion of the prophetic ministry, they are not limited only to the prophetically gifted. Joel 2:28 says, “It will come about after this that [...]

25 May, 2017

Dreaming with God

By |2017-05-25T15:17:15-05:00May 25th, 2017|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Did You Know That the Stars Speak? They did in Abraham’s day! The creator of the universe gave a direct and amazing word to one of his friends. He told him to go out and count the number of stars that lit up the sky at night. Imagine, counting the stars at night! So, what did Abraham do? He went out and started counting the stars! I suppose it went something like this. After telling his wife, Sarah, good night, Abraham goes on a long walk in the evening air, pondering and peering into the heavens. In obedience, he [...]

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