Exposing the Strategies of Evil Spirits
By James W. Goll
before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?
Galatians 3:1 NASV
In the spiritual journey of every believer, discernment is a crucial skill. We live in a time of increasing spiritual activity and, consequently, heightened spiritual deception. Evil spirits are masterful at exploiting our weaknesses and twisting the truth. As followers of Christ, we must remain vigilant and grounded in God’s Word to avoid being led astray. In this blog, I’ll explore how evil spirits deceive, drawing from scripture and decades of experience in ministry. Let us delve into this important topic with prayer and humility.
The Importance of Discernment in the Last Days
Paul’s frustration with the Galatians speaks volumes: “O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you?” (Galatians 3:1). Here, he is addressing a church that had started strong in the Spirit and had fallen back into the flesh through deception. This same warning echoes through time to us today. In 2 Corinthians 10:5, Paul exhorts believers to demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to Christ.
The stakes are high. Scripture repeatedly warns that, in the last days, even the elect could be deceived. Evil spirits use subtlety and cunning to infiltrate our thinking, relationships, and even our churches. Cults, false teachings, and spiritual confusion often originate within the body of believers before spiraling into destructive movements. How can we guard against such tactics? By adhering to biblical truth, remaining in fellowship, and practicing accountability.
Four Ways Evil Spirits Deceive
Evil spirits operate through various strategies to lead us astray. As we navigate these spiritually challenging times, understanding these strategies is crucial to staying vigilant. Here are four primary ways they work:
- Exaggeration: Truth Wrapped in Lies
One of the enemy’s most effective tools is exaggeration. Satan rarely presents outright lies; instead, he offers partial truths wrapped in deception. This tactic is designed to lure us away from God’s Word by amplifying fears, insecurities, or pride. For instance, he might whisper: “You’ll never overcome that mistake,” mixing a kernel of truth about past failures with the lie that God’s grace isn’t sufficient.
Paul instructs us in Ephesians 6:16 to take up the shield of faith to extinguish the fiery darts of the enemy. These darts often come disguised as thoughts spoken in the first person, making us believe they’re our own. The enemy may plant thoughts like, “I feel so rejected; there’s no place for me in God’s plan.” But these thoughts mirror the devil’s own fate – not ours as redeemed children of God.
- Exalting Special Revelation Above God’s Word
While God does speak through prophecy, visions, and personal revelation, these must always align with scripture. The enemy exploits our hunger for the supernatural by enticing us to prioritize new revelations over the foundational truth of the Bible.
History is riddled with examples of individuals who started in genuine faith but veered into deception by elevating personal experiences above God’s Word. From cult leaders to misguided movements, the pattern remains the same: “God showed me something new that supersedes scripture.” This thinking leads to pride, division, and, ultimately, spiritual ruin.
Deuteronomy 4:2 warns us not to add to or subtract from God’s commands. The Bible provides all we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). When evaluating any revelation, we must ask: Does this align with scripture? Does it build up the body of Christ? Does it glorify Jesus?
- Prideful Self-Promotion
Pride is a gateway to deception. When believers begin to see themselves as spiritually superior—“We have the new wine, the hidden manna, the special revelation”—they isolate themselves from accountability and community. Pride blinds us to correction and creates an elitist mindset that distances us from the broader body of Christ.
In my 50 years of ministry, I’ve seen this firsthand. Leaders and movements that start with humility and sincerity can drift into spiritual arrogance. Proverbs 16:18 ESV reminds us, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” To counteract pride, we must continually submit to God, stay connected to local church leadership, and have a servant’s heart.
- Hero Worship
Hero worship is another subtle trap of the enemy. When people place their trust and adoration in charismatic leaders rather than Christ, they open the door to spiritual imbalance. This has happened throughout history – from William Branham’s followers declaring him Elijah to modern examples of televangelists who draw attention to themselves rather than God.
Hebrews 13:7 reminds us to consider the outcome of our leaders’ lives and imitate their faith, not their personalities. Leaders are human and fallible; they are not the source of our faith but conduits pointing us to Jesus. Worship belongs to God alone.
Scriptural Keys to Overcoming Deception
James 4:7 ESV provides a simple yet profound strategy: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” This verse underscores the solution to the pitfalls of hero worship discussed earlier. By surrendering to God’s authority, we can resist the temptation to place undue focus on human leaders, keeping our worship and devotion where it truly belongs – on Christ. Submission to God’s lordship is the first step in overcoming deception. This requires humility, obedience, and a willingness to let go of our own agendas.
Once submitted, we must actively resist the devil by taking a stand on God’s truth. This involves:
Daily Prayer
Ask God for wisdom and discernment to recognize the enemy’s tactics.
Scripture Study
Regularly immerse yourself in God’s Word to anchor your faith.
Stay connected to a community of believers who encourage and challenge you.
Remember that we are all fallible and in need of God’s grace.
Paul’s prayer in Philippians 1:9 NIV is my prayer for you: “That your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight.” With God’s help, we can discern truth, resist deception, and live as faithful disciples of Jesus.
Closing Encouragement
We do not have to be deceived. God has equipped us with His Word, His Spirit, and His community to guide us in truth. The enemy may prowl like a roaring lion, but greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
Let us worship with the angels, not worship angels. Let us honor leaders without idolizing them. Above all, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. May the truth set you free and lead you into the abundant life that Christ promised.
This is James W. Goll, reminding you that God encounters are for everyone—and especially for you. Amen!
Walking in Discernment!
James W. Goll
Scripture Based Prayer
Philippians 1:9 NASV
Father, I humbly come before You and recognize that I desperately need You. I need greater discernment and humility to keep from falling into the enemy’s trap of deception. So Lord, please increase my desire for Your presence, Your Word, and fellowship with the family: the Body of Christ. Help me to fall more in love with You and to grow in the knowledge of Your holiness. I know the best way to recognize deception is to increasingly know You more and more. So Lord I give You permission to draw me deeper into Your love and into who You are in me and for me that my life will glorify You more every day in the name of Jesus!
Amen and Amen!
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