

  • The Destiny of Israel and the Middle East Class by James W. Goll
    • Contains 12 (45-60 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
    • Choose Format: 6 DVD’s, 12 CD’s, Streaming or Download
    • Optional Streaming may be added for just $10
    God is bringing forth the greatest outpouring of His Spirit across the globe. But how? And through whom? The answer is Israel—and solving the mystery of her destiny affects every nation on earth. Now is the time to help fulfill God's prophetic appointments for all three of Abraham's seed and call forth an awakening that will encompass the entire Middle East—and ultimately the whole earth. Lessons in this class include: The Winds of Awakening, The Mordecai Calling, God's Road Map, and more!
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    There still is much confusion and misuse of the office and the responsibilities of the prophet and the intercessor in the Christian arena. John and Paula Sandford explain how prophets are called and trained. With a great passion and urgency, they challenge all intercessors to realize and understand their vital role in the world today and how closely they must work with the prophets.
  • God is good. We hear the expression so often that it's easy to take it for granted. But Johnson believes that what we do with these three words determines our reality and destiny! Learn why in a world filled with fear, disease, crisis, and uncertainty, it's critical that we embrace this unshakable assurance.
  • Movido por un "sueño de comisión" de Dios, el autor James Goll actualiza el modelo de oración de siglos pasados y despliega un plan para los creyentes de hoy, una comunidad de intercesores que usan los medios de comunicación tan avanzados de hoy, para orar por la transformación mundial.

    Prompted by a "commissioning dream" from God, author James Goll updated the centuries-old prayer model of the Moravians and lays out a plan for today's believers to restore and release the Moravian model of the watch of the Lord into homes and prayer rooms around the world.

  • Choose Format: 6 DVD’s, 12 CD’s, Streaming or Download
    • Contains 12 (50 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
    • Optional Streaming may be added for just $10
    The words of the intercessor are a powerful force for healing the wounds of the past, closing doors to the enemy and shaping the course of history. As you work through these lessons by James W. Goll and apply these truths in your prayer closet, you will find yourself striking the mark of God’s heart in intercession.
  • Choose Format: 6 DVD’s, 12 CD’s, Streaming or Download
    • Contains 12 (50 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
    • Optional Streaming may be added for just $10
    Do you want to grow in a supernatural lifestyle of both fruit and gifts? In this foundational class, James W. Goll weds together a depth of the Word with a flow of the Spirit that will ground and challenge you to live in the fullness for which God has created you.
  • Save over 30% when you purchase this bundle of The Scribe Book & Dream Language Book & Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today Book that includes the bonus product: The Best of Angelic Encounters: 4 Message set.
  • Do angels really exist? What is their purpose? Do they interact with us? And what about demons and fallen angels? What should we do about them? Angel Stories answers these questions and more through a collection of encounters from Randy Clark, John Paul Jackson, James W. Goll, and others.
  • Búsqueda Apasionada le muestra cómo abrir su corazón para encontrarse con el Señor viviente. Cuando se despliegue su descubrimiento de Dios, y su relación con Él sea más profunda, se sorprenderá y se deleitará al oír su voz, aprender de Él, y tocar su corazón.

    Passionate Pursuit shows you how to open your heart to encounter the living Lord. As your discovery of God unfolds, and your relationship with Him deepens, you will be surprised and delighted to hear His voice, to learn from Him–and to touch His heart.

  • Sale!

    Revival Breakthrough Curriculum Kit

    From: Original price was: $215.00.Current price is: $99.00.
    Save up to 58% when you purchase this Revival Breakthrough Curriculum Kit that includes:
    • Revival Breakthrough Class by James W. Goll
      • Contains 12 (40-50 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
      • Choose Format: Download; Streaming
      • For just $10, add Streaming onto your Download option
    • Revival Breakthrough book by James W. Goll
      • Choose Format: Softcover Book; Audiobook — 11 CD Set read by James W. Goll
    • Fires of Revival: Study Guide of Revival Breakthrough by James W. Goll
      • Choose Format: Softcover Study Guide; PDF Download
  • Revival Breakthrough Class by James W. Goll
    • Contains 12 (40-50 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
    • Choose Format: Download; Streaming
    • For just $10, add Streaming onto your Download option
    Do you long to see an unprecedented outpouring of God’s Spirit? But how do we do that? Join James W. Goll as he delves into moves of the Holy Spirit from Scripture and church history that reveal how to welcome God’s manifest presence and fan the flames of revival fire.
  • Choose Format: 6 DVD’s, 12 CD’s, Streaming or Download
    • Contains 12 (50 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
    • Optional Streaming may be added for just $10
    As a believer in Jesus, one of the most important foundations you can build is how to hear God's voice and apply it to your life today. Whether you are a new believer or have been walking with God for years, these messages will give you practical tools to grow in recognizing the many ways God speaks.
  • Choose Format: 8 DVD’s, 15 CD’s, Streaming or Download
    • Contains 15 (50 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
    • Optional Streaming may be added for just $10
    Whether you are a veteran spiritual warrior or new believer, this accessible, comprehensive class lays out the enduring biblical fundamentals that establish the bedrock of belief for every mature Christian. These 15 lessons by James W. Goll will help you stand on the firm foundation of faith in the Lord Jesus.
  • Practicing the Brilliant Presence of God Class by James W. Goll
    • Contains 12 (40-50 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
    • Choose Format: Download; Streaming
    • For just $10, add Streaming onto your Download option
    Your heart was created for the Presence of God. But how do you quiet your soul and overcome obstacles to deepening your intimacy with Him? This class will help you follow the ancient paths God has given you to abide in His brilliant presence in moment-by-moment awareness of His fiery love.
  • Global Prayer Storm Class by James W. Goll
    • Contains 12 (40-50 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
    • Choose Format: Download; Streaming
    • For just $10, add Streaming onto your Download option
    Prompted by a “commissioning dream” from God, author James Goll updates the centuries-old prayer model of the Moravians and lays out a plan for today’s believers ­– an internet-based community of intercessors who commit to pray on a consistent basis. In this class, you will learn about historic sustained prayer movements and how you can be part of today’s prayer movement. You will better understand the biblical basis for prayer and how we as God’s people are called to respond in prophetic intercession to plead the promises of God.
  • Format: 4 MP3 Downloads These 4 messages bring the power of personal story alongside the foundational teaching to complement the book, God Encounters Today. Authors James W. and Michal Ann Goll share from their own encounters how God has brought them freedom from fear, greater understanding of prophetic grace, and important keys and safeguards for operating in the supernatural realm. Answer the invitation to enter the joy of encountering God in your life today!  
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    Chuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Systema show how to receive the Word of the Lord, how to interpret dreams and visions and, acting on what you have discerned, ultimately fulfill the destiny God has for you.
  • The late Derek Prince clearly explains the foundations for Christian faith, salvation, baptism, the Holy Spirit, laying on of hands, the believer's resurrection, and eternal judgment.
  • In Sons of God's Generals, go behind closed doors with the sons and daughters of modern world changers, as the next generation shares personal stories of what it was like growing up being children of God’s generals.
  • Cómo Liberar los Dones Espirituales Hoy está lleno de muchos ejemplos sobre cómo han sido utilizados los dones en acción, tanto dentro de las páginas de la Biblia como en el tiempo actual. Dios desea derramar sus dones sobre su pueblo en grados incluso mayores de impacto y autoridad. Esta es su oportunidad de descubrir lo que el Señor puede hacer por usted y por medio de usted a medida que usted libere los dones espirituales hoy en un derramamiento del amor de Él, de su gracia y poder.

    Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today is filled with many examples of how the gifts have been used in action, both within the pages of the Bible and in the present day. God desires to pour out His gifts on His people with even greater degrees of impact and authority. This is your opportunity to find out what the Lord can do for you and through you as you release His spiritual gifts today in an outpouring of His love, grace, and power.

  • Format: 4 MP3 Downloads The Best of A Call to Compassion 4 Message Set from Michal Ann & James W. Goll is a stirring complement to the book, Heroines of Faith, as they teach through their own experiences and stories of the lives of others how to walk in powerful compassion.
  • The Pilgrim's Progress has been called "the greatest allegory ever written." Its appeal sweeps across the scope of age, intellect, and education. Children read it for the excitement of the story, eager believers are challenged and trained by its invaluable teaching, and Bible students and scholars alike read it for the its depth of doctrine.
  • Choose Format: 8 DVD’s, 15 CD’s, Streaming or Download
    • Contains 15 (50 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
    • Optional Streaming may be added for just $10
    Angels were at work throughout the Old and New Testaments and they are still at work today! In this class, James and Michal Ann Goll use Scripture, church history, testimonies, and personal experience to: describe the different categories and characteristics of angels, explain angels’ ministry as God’s agents to the world, demonstrate how intercession and angelic ministry are related, and how you how to perceive and engage angels in your own life.
  • Choose Format: 6 DVD’s, 12 CD’s, Streaming or Download
    • Contains 12 (50 Minute) Audio or Video Sessions
    • Optional Streaming may be added for just $10
    Do you want to know God better? This class will help you understand who God is; his ways, his character, and how he has revealed himself in His Word. These 12 lessons by James W. Goll will help you discover the joy of knowing your heavenly Father and being transformed into His image.
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    Exchange the lies of hurtful labels and wrong thinking for the truth of who God created you to be! In Tailor Made, Alex Seeley helps us recognize our wrong thinking often brought on by generational patterns, insecurities, circumstances, lack of forgiveness, and an inaccurate view of God our Father, and offers to replace them with a new view of who God says we are. It's time to find your own sense of belonging and the path to becoming the original, authentic version of you that God intended!
  • In 1995, Heidi and Rolland Baker gave away everything they had and traveled to the war-torn, poverty-stricken country of Mozambique. Compelled by Love chronicles their journey, giving readers a glimpse of authentic Christian community by taking a fresh look at the Beatitudes and sharing the pain of some of the poorest people in the world. It will change lives as readers put into practice the teachings of Jesus as expounded and illustrated by the Bakers' incredible life and ministry.
  • In the muddle of day-to-day life, have you somehow forgotten that Christianity is a living, vibrant relationship with a personal God? In this Christian classic, late pastor and evangelist A. W. Tozer brings the mystics to bear on modern spirituality, grieving the hustle and bustle and calling for a slow, steady gaze upon God.
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