

  • Format: 4 MP3 Downloads In these four messages, James Goll teaches on entering into the completed work Jesus has accomplished, the believer's position in heavenly places with Christ, and the mighty and effective weapons of our warfare. Discover what true victory is and why we need the revelation of Jesus to experience it!
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    In The Opposite Life, pastor and author Alex Seeley explains the secret to living a powerful and abundant life through the upside-down kingdom of God. Each chapter unpacks the opposite-life principles that begin with our way of thinking and yield miraculous results.
  • Únase a James Goll en un viaje emocionante y revelador hacia esta dimensión menos conocida: el visionario mundo del vidente. Descubrirá el poder profético de los sueños, visiones y cielos abiertos. Join James Goll on an exciting and insightful journey into this lesser-known dimension - the visionary world of the seer. You will discover the prophetic power of dreams, visions, and life under the open heavens.
  • Su corazón ha sido creado para la presencia de Dios y no está completo sin ella. Los negadores tratarán de convencerlo de que la presencia de Dios es subjetiva y difícil de hallar, pero sus voces callan ante el deseo interior de una unión con su Señor y Creador. La sabiduría que contiene este libro le otorgará, minuto a minuto, confianza y esperanza mientras realiza su viaje hacia el gozo y el placer de la presencia de Dios. Your heart has been created for the Presence of God and it is not complete without His Presence living within. Naysayers try to convince you that God's Presence is elusive and subjective but their voice is silenced by the desire yearning from within for a union with your Lord and Creator, Jesus Christ. The wisdom contained in this book will give you moment-by-moment confidence and hope as you journey toward the joy and pleasure of knowing God's Presence.
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