We have entered into a 50-day divine reset from Passover into Pentecost.

In this strategic time in history, God is pushing the reset button.

Passing through this crucial period will require some intense chiropractic adjustments, including recalibration. Whatever is out of alignment will be challenged.

There will be a lot of pulling and stretching as we eventually move into a recovery phase and ultimately, if the Lord is willing, into one of the greatest times in recent history called the “Restoration of All Things” (see Acts 3:19-21).

These are extreme times. If we are not careful and prayerful, we could enter into a new war between the states where the West Coast wants one set of guidelines and the North East sector another. The Deep South, with its religious roots, could cry “foul” and demand that we take another look at the Bill of Rights.

It is vital that we seize the moment during this 50-day divine reset!

But through the lens of redemptive interpretation, let me share with you a few of the God Encounters I have recently received.

As It Was in the Days of Noah

In a vivid dream, I was given a scroll that became a blueprint on how to build an ark that would last throughout the storm. I appeared as Noah in the dream, leading my family in the construction of an ark of preservation.
