“He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”
Job 5:7 NIV
“‘But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD.”
Jeremiah 30:17 NIV
The verses above serve as a plumb line in my life at this time. The Holy Spirit often highlights different portions of the Word of God, right when we need it most. I just discovered Job 5:7 just recently, and it jumped out at me as though it was the first time I’d ever seen the verse. “He performs wonders…” Yes, He does! Then add into the mix one of my favorite foundational verses on restoration, coming from the weeping prophet Jeremiah, “I will restore you to health…”
While I am waiting on God in expectation of a healing miracle or even a God Encounter, I am doing all I can to cooperate with His ways as well. Being one who believes in an integrated healing model, I approach everything with prayer. After prayer I attempt to glean from the many different streams of healing and wholeness that Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer, has revealed and made available through medicine and other holistic approaches.
Where Am I in the Healing Journey?
It has now been over a year since I had the “decompression and fusion surgery.” Unfortunately, I continue to have painful sciatic nerve damage in my lower back and from my left knee down into my foot. But I continue to seek the Lord for His solutions for this ongoing dilemma.
This continued nerve pain has created some challenges, and has forced our ministry to discover new and creative ways of fulfilling our visionto equip and mobilize the body of Jesus Christ by teaching and imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit.
But God is leading us and we are learning! Here is a summary of some of the challenges and encouragements we have faced as a ministry this year:
- For over half of 2016, I did not travel in ministry. This means that our ministry also did not receive any Honorariums or Resource Sales from venues during that time. In the past this has been about a fourth of our income as a ministry.
- I have released Compassion Acts, Prayer Storm, Women on the Frontlines, and Men on the Frontlines into the capable hands of others with whom I continue to walk. So I have obeyed the Word of the Lord to “Identify, Empower and Release spheres of your ministry into the hands of other leaders” given to me on 12/12/2015.
- I have not been traveling in public ministry once again for the entire month of April. The primary reason for this is to focus on an anti-inflammatory regimen under the oversight of two renowned doctors. We are attempting to soothe and reduce swelling in my internal organs that are inflamed due to the intensity of the cancer treatments I underwent over 7 years ago. Healing is mine and I will overcome!
- In the summer of 2016, we began partnering with Dr. Joseph Peck in hosting webinars and classes. This has allowed us to reach many people and has created a way for us to continue the mission the Lord has given us without me leaving my home! It has also generated some income that has helped us during this season. Pray with us that many others around the world will be touched in the months to come!
On February 1st, we launched our brand new God Encounters Ministries website. This gives us another integrated way of fulfilling our mission as a ministry through our blog, classes, media and online store. We have had thousands of visitors from all around the world already and we have just begun.
- New life and breath seems to be returning to my new books and classes. This includes my new book The Lifestyle of a Watchman as well as The Discerner class we did this past fall (the new book will be coming out in the Fall of 2017). We thank the Lord for this as He alone is the one who brings favor.
Will You Partner with Me?
I believe that God is calling me to be a fatherly voice in the Global Prayer and Prophetic Movements for the days in which we’re living. It seems like mothers and fathers with strong foundations are needed more right now than ever before. Therefore, we unapologetically ask you to partner with us into this next season of FAVOR!
We are not suggesting a specific financial contribution or asking for a certain number of donors. Obviously, we have many financial needs as a ministry. But God knows and He will faithfully provide through partners like you! Any one-time gifts or new monthly partners would be greatly appreciated.
Would you simply pray and ask the Lord what you are to contribute to God Encounters Ministries? I want to spread the message that “God Encounters Are For Everyone” all over the globe. For everyone who responds to this appeal, we will send you a complimentary copy of my inspirational Prophetic Encounters MP3 Set.
If you need assistance, please contact our Financial Administrator, Kay Durham, at kay@godencounters.com or call the office line at 1-615-599-5552.
Blessings to Each of You!
James W. Goll
and the God Encounters Ministries Staff and Team
Thanks for Your Gift to Encounters Network!
- Online: Click Here to Donate Online
- Checks: to Encounters Network, PO Box 1653, Franklin, TN 37065
- Phone: 1-877-200-1604
Enjoy ARISE Digital Magazine – FREE!
In this 2017 edition of Patricia King’s ARISE Magazine, James Goll delivers a poignant article on “Esther: For Such a Time as This!” You have been chosen for this generation – the scepter of the king has been extended and you are being invited to change your world. There’s no cost for this online resource, so just click and it’s yours to read free!
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