Dreams have had a profound role in the Christian church since its beginning. Last month I explained how understanding dreams is rooted in Hebraic history, and today I’m going to expand on that to show the rich heritage of dream language and revelation bequeathed to the Christian church throughout its history.

In brief review, to set the stage—what God did long ago, and throughout history, He does today and will continue always to do. Dream language is the language of the ages. This is one of the mysterious ways that God intersects our lives. He invades our comfort zones. He visits us in the night and simply speaks to us.

Dreams, visions and interpretations are a part of virtually every culture and religion on earth and have been throughout the ages. This is even truer for Judaism and Christianity than any other religion, as Jews and Christians worship the one true God, who is the author of revelation. To accept dreaming as a legitimate medium for spiritual revelation and communication, then, is to follow the flow of history, in including church history. So, what is that history?

Dream Legacy of the Early Church
