In recent months, a revelatory perspective concerning prayer and intercession has deeply penetrated me. The principle of praying from victory and not toward it rests upon my heart and soul. I cannot get away from it.

I seem to be engaged in a process that has me pondering and devoting chunks of my time in contemplative thought. So activate your heart and mind as I share some of my musings. A basic question must be addressed and answered: Where are we seated?

Years ago, I was on a plane sitting at a window seat while circling over New York City. The Holy Spirit whispered to me, “This is the best position.” I contemplated what the Holy Spirit meant as I peered from a heavenly vantage point, looking down over one of the most beloved cities on Earth. I quietly heard again, “This is the best position for prayer: looking down.”

This phrase has been stuck inside me for years now. It has shifted some of my understanding and approach towards intercession. Do we pray up through territorial spirits of darkness to reach the throne of God, or do we declare down and release something? As New Covenant believers in Christ Jesus, you and I are already seated with Christ at the Father’s right hand.
