Many prophets, intercessors and key leaders across the global body of Christ all agree that we are in a critical time which the prophet Joel declared, “Multitudes [are] in the valley of decision” (Joel 3:14, YLT)

Could it be that there are multitudes of individuals who are in such a pivotal, strategic time, but also that the destiny of entire nations are also in a valley of decision? We (James W. Goll and Johnathan Stidham) believe this is the case. We believe many of you reading this article will be in agreement as well.

Jesus said, For where two or three agree together, I am in your midst” (see Matt. 18:19). The Word of God also declares that, “One can chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight” (Deut. 32:30a, MEV). Yes, we are better together.

Governmental Vision
