In this powerful teaching, James unpacks a prophetic word about God’s increased fire to deliver old bondages—a timely message that calls every believer into deeper freedom and renewed purpose. Drawing from Acts 2 (which cites the promise of deliverance in Joel 2) and the words of John the Baptist about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire, this session highlights that genuine transformation is readily available for all who call on the name of the Lord.

James reminds us that new levels of light expose old levels of darkness, and in these days, the Holy Spirit is releasing a fresh wave of conviction that leads to true deliverance. Whether you’ve struggled with hidden sins, fear, control issues, or generational patterns, the good news is clear: “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered.” In other words, freedom isn’t reserved for a select few; it’s for anyone willing to surrender and invite Jesus into every hidden corner of life.

Throughout the message, James connects the dots between:

– New Alignments and Fresh Assignments – God is shifting us into new seasons of opportunity that require realignment of our priorities and relationships.

– Greater Authority – With every new assignment comes an increase in the authority we carry, but we must address any lingering darkness in our lives to steward this authority effectively.

– Baptism of Fire and Deliverance – The Holy Spirit is on the move in an unprecedented way. This includes radical forms of worship, water baptisms, outpourings of God’s power, and deep deliverance experiences—setting people free from long-standing bondages.

If you’ve found yourself wrestling with recurring struggles, if you’re hungry for authentic transformation, or if you’re simply longing for a deeper touch of God’s presence, this message is for you. Prepare your heart for a fresh encounter with the Holy Spirit—a baptism of fire that exposes what’s been hidden and empowers you to step into greater freedom than ever before.


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