“For thus says the Lord of Hosts,
“After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you,
for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye.”
Zechariah 2:8 NASV
On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 which would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states beginning in May 1948. On May 14, 1948, Israel was officially birthed as a nation as it declared its independence. One day later, the War of Independence broke out when five Arab nations invaded Israeli territory immediately following the announcement. The birth of Israel was a fulfillment of many ancient biblical prophecies, but every word has come with severe contention.
This land has been one of promise but also of physical and spiritual warfare. Major battles have been fought in 1967 and 1973, but no war has lasted as long as the one which was initiated by Hamas on October 7th, 2023. Soon, we will cross over into a new Hebrew year of 5785. Shortly thereafter, we will mark a year since this horrendous war has begun. This war is by far the longest in Israel’s history, and it is far from over. Right now, Hamas, Hezbollah and other evil forces are poking God right in the center of His eye. I have one word for them: “I would not do that if I were you!”
Where are We in the Timeline of History?
People ask me, “Where are we today in the prophetic timeline?” I direct them right to Psalm 83:3-4, which is used by Hamas in their own charter’s opening declaration. It vividly states, “They make shrewd plans against Your people, and conspire together against Your treasured ones. They have said, 'Come, and let’s wipe them out as a nation, so that the name of Israel will no longer be remembered.'” This prophecy is the blatant savage goal of Jewish hatred in the day in which we live right now. Biblical history is being fulfilled right before our very eyes, but God has His plan even in the midst of evil.
Do you remember the highly touted plan of man called “The Quartet”? It was initiated in 2002 to facilitate the Middle East peace process, comprised of the European Union, Russia, United Nations, and the United States. The Quartet’s principal ministers, have met 54 times since 2002 in furtherance of their ”Road Map to a Permanent Two-State Solution.” The Quartet is supposedly guided by three overarching principles – nonviolence, recognition of Israel, and acceptance of previous agreements – in furthering the Middle East peace process. I have a warning for The Quartet, “This too is poking God in His eye!"
I remember being in prayer about “The Quartet,” and the Holy Spirit spoke to me that one cannot bargain with God’s Word. In the middle of all this chaos, God’s Road Map, His Will, is found in His Word. This road map leads to Romans 11 and goes through Isaiah 53. It is the salvation of all Israel through the revelation of her suffering Servant. When Israel is grafted back into the Kingdom of God, it will be nothing less than life from the dead. When we labor for Israel, we are laboring for the greatest worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit that there has ever been.
The amazing history of Israel is all about a God who keeps His promises. From this standpoint of restoration, a nation was born in a day and never to be plucked out again. God’s Road Map calls for a body of believers to carry His heart – watchmen who see from His perspective and hear Him when He speaks.
God’s Plan Includes You
Our God is the holy Lord of Heaven, and His Word never fails. He is the Judge of all, living and dead, and has the final word on your life and on the Middle East. He is looking for people who will come into agreement with Him. God has a plan for every person, family, city, and nation. Indeed, the Lord of Hosts has a glorious future for Israel and all the nations of the Middle East.
Believe it? Then join me and countless thousands of others to pray these promises into being. Join me now in this personal prayer of dedication:
I dedicate myself to Your grace and for Your purposes. I declare that Your Word, God, is the final road map for Israel and the entire Middle East. Thank You for Your mercy, Your loving-kindness, and Your willingness to pardon those who turn to You. In the name of the Lord Most High, the Host of the armies, almighty God. For the glory of Jesus’ sake. Amen and amen!
A Watchman on the Walls,
James W. Goll
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