
30 Jun, 2017

Why Should I Be a Watchman for Israel?

By |2017-06-30T13:34:19-05:00June 30th, 2017|Recent Articles|0 Comments

As followers of Jesus Christ, we serve as watchmen for the people of God, whoever they may be—even the ones who do not yet identify themselves as the people of God. God asks volunteer watchmen like you and me to shoulder a burden for the Jewish people and for all of the descendants of Abraham. God’s plan is to bring Jews alongside Gentiles (non-Jews) into full saving knowledge of Christ. He wants to win over Jews, Arabs, Chaldeans, and all residents of the Middle East to His Son. The day will come—and we have a key part in hastening [...]

10 May, 2017

Praying with Watchman’s Eyes: The Power of Prophetic Intercession

By |2017-05-25T15:13:17-05:00May 10th, 2017|Recent Articles|2 Comments

Prophetic intercession is near and dear to my heart. I love the way God nudges me to pray about something so that He can intervene. I have seen so many amazing answers to prophetic prayer! Such prayers strike the mark much more often than those I invent out of my own limited heart and mind. Here is how I usually describe prophetic intercession: Prophetic intercession is waiting before God in order to hear or receive His burden (a word, a concern, a warning, a condition, a vision or a promise), and responding back to Him with prayerful petition, sometimes [...]

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