
14 Apr, 2022

God Encounters Change Lives (Including Yours)

By |2022-04-14T15:45:35-05:00April 14th, 2022|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Does God still invade people’s lives with the supernatural today? What happens when God gets ahold of a person? How is a person’s life changed by God encounters? It only takes one touch from the living God, and you are never the same. God Encounters Change Lives! Certainly, as Scripture shows from these powerful examples, nothing is ever the same again once God has invaded your life! Jacob’s encounter with the living God—in a dream in the wilderness at Bethel—changed him from a deceiving schemer and trickster into Israel, “prince of God,” and father of a nation of the [...]

14 Nov, 2019

Encountering God through Supernatural Dreams – by Michal Ann Goll

By |2019-11-14T18:13:12-06:00November 14th, 2019|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Dreams are known as “the sleep language,” and since the time of creation God has brought divine revelation to mortal men and women while they are sleeping. Scripture even calls a prophet a “dreamer of dreams” (see Deut. 13:1; Num. 12:6). Many Christians hold the mistaken impression that prophetic dream encounters are reserved for a small, elite group of especially sensitive or gifted people. But this simply is not the case. I can testify personally that God has communicated and ministered to me in amazing ways through dreams. For example, the Lord has used dreams to heal my emotions [...]

23 Jul, 2018

The Key to Receiving the Holy Spirit’s Supernatural Power

By |2019-12-06T11:04:36-06:00July 23rd, 2018|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

I've been reflecting lately on what miracles and gifts have in common. You do not earn them. You cannot perform well enough to deserve them. And they are freely given by the Holy Spirit. In fact, if the truth were to be told, a miracle is a gift. And like all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, a miracle is a demonstration of the depths of God's immense love.The spiritual gifts are given to flow through us as acts of mercy, kindness and love toward others. In other words, we cannot hoard them and keep them to ourselves.These grace [...]

6 Jul, 2017

One God Encounter Changes Everything!

By |2017-07-06T14:56:39-05:00July 6th, 2017|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Does God still supernaturally invade people's lives today? Those in modern church history would echo a resounding—YES! What would change in your life if you were personally encountered by God? If the lives of those in scripture provide any precedent, one God encounter changes EVERYTHING! And if He can break in on Jacob, Moses, Deborah, Saul, and a host of others, He can break in on you! Jacob’s encounter with the living God—in a dream in the wilderness at Bethel—changed him from a deceiving schemer and trickster into Israel, “prince of God,” and father of a nation of the [...]

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