
1 Oct, 2015

Scriptural Declarations: Israel & the Middle East

By |2017-12-18T18:04:36-06:00October 1st, 2015|Recent Articles|0 Comments

It is imperative that we stand with God, and stand with the Jewish people in this hour. Not only does scripture provide 7 Clear Demarcations and Declarations regarding Israel and His plan for salvation which I outline below, it also shows us how we are to respond in Proclamation, Praise and Prayer! Join me for such a time as this in calling forth God's purposes for the Jewish people around the world! The Bible is our foundation for life, revealing the very nature of God Himself, and how we should then live in relationship with Him in light of these absolutes. The people [...]

31 Jul, 2015

Praying from Victory Not Towards It!

By |2017-10-20T10:23:39-05:00July 31st, 2015|Recent Articles|0 Comments

If you missed Part 1 of the teaching on Praying from a Victorious Perspective, click here to read the article. This topic continues to rest upon my heart and soul and I continue to give it much prayerful thought. So hold on to your seat as I unpack another layer of my musings. Years ago I was on a plane sitting at a window seat while we were circling over New York City. The Holy Spirit said to me, “This is the best position.” I wondered what the Holy Spirit meant as I peered from a heavenly vantage point looking down over the amazing sites [...]

18 Jun, 2015

Angelic Intervention Through Intercession

By |2017-10-19T11:03:09-05:00June 18th, 2015|Recent Articles|0 Comments

While there is great diversity among the angelic host, each category of angels has a specific assignment and distinct attributes. But there are three primary functions listed in the scriptures concerning all the angelic hosts. 1.   According to Psalms 148:2, 5 All the angels are commissioned to praise and worship God. This is their first and most prominent ministry. 2.   According to Hebrews 1:7, 14 All the angels are ministering spirits, flames of fire called to render service to those who will inherit salvation. 3.   According to Psalms 103:20-21 Angels excel in strength, obey the voice of His word, and perform God's [...]

2 Jun, 2015

How to Grow in Divine Revelation

By |2017-12-21T09:23:47-06:00June 2nd, 2015|Recent Articles|0 Comments

God desires that everyone comes to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). So let’s look at 12 powerful principles that will help you continue to grow in the spirit of revelation (Ephesians 1:17-19) as a prophetic lifestyle. These concepts can also apply to families, congregations, denominations, cities and nations: Research Your Foundations Asking great questions leads to finding great answers. Probe into the roots of your heritage with questions like: What is my family’s history, ethnic background, religious heritage and so on? Who were the founders of my city, nation or church? What were their goals, visions, purposes [...]

21 May, 2015

Praying from a Victorious Perspective

By |2017-12-21T09:24:56-06:00May 21st, 2015|Recent Articles|0 Comments

It Is Finished! There are seven statements of Jesus on the cross. Perhaps the most important one of all is when He declared, “It is finished!” (John 19:30) Nothing else needed to be done because He had done it all. The work of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ is perfectly complete! I am convinced that we need this revelation to be able to pray effective prayers that avail much. We must learn to pray from this posture – from this perspective. We are not defeated. He has already won the battle and as authentic disciples of Jesus we [...]

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