
10 May, 2017

Praying with Watchman’s Eyes: The Power of Prophetic Intercession

By |2017-05-25T15:13:17-05:00May 10th, 2017|Recent Articles|2 Comments

Prophetic intercession is near and dear to my heart. I love the way God nudges me to pray about something so that He can intervene. I have seen so many amazing answers to prophetic prayer! Such prayers strike the mark much more often than those I invent out of my own limited heart and mind. Here is how I usually describe prophetic intercession: Prophetic intercession is waiting before God in order to hear or receive His burden (a word, a concern, a warning, a condition, a vision or a promise), and responding back to Him with prayerful petition, sometimes [...]

6 Apr, 2017

Watch and Pray

By |2017-05-25T15:09:39-05:00April 6th, 2017|Recent Articles|0 Comments

God's Calendar Contains Divine Appointments I have a calendar on which I write down my many diverse appointments. Because I am a widower, at the beginning of every New Year the first dates that go on my calendar are the birthdays of my four adult kids. But the four quickly became eight, as they all got married within a three-year time frame. So now I have eight appointments. Oh, mercy, those eight have now quickly become 14 and counting with grandchildren being added. My calendar is full of these special appointments—and I would not miss one of them. These are [...]

26 Jan, 2017

Prayer Changes Things!

By |2017-01-26T21:41:31-06:00January 26th, 2017|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Are you ready to make a difference? The recipe for enduring change is simple. It is spelled P-R-A-Y! Yes, prayer changes things and history belongs to the intercessor! Let’s arise and get on with God’s original program of extending the rod of His Kingdom authority into every cultural sphere of life. Let’s impact the seven societal mountains with history making prayer. It’s time to shake ourselves free from the influences of this lethargic “what will be will be” pervasive attitude and take our rightful position seated with Christ Jesus in the heavenly places looking down upon the affairs of men! In fact, [...]

27 Oct, 2016

The Best Position in Prayer: Seated with Christ

By |2017-04-05T13:42:26-05:00October 27th, 2016|Recent Articles|0 Comments

In recent months a revelatory perspective concerning prayer and intercession has deeply penetrated me. The principle of Praying from Victory and Not Towards It rests upon my heart and soul. I cannot get away from it. I seem to be engaged in a process that has me pondering and devoting chunks of my time in contemplative thought. So activate your heart and mind as I share some of my musings. A basic question must be addressed and answered. Where are we seated? Years ago I was on a plane sitting at a window seat while circling over New York City. The Holy Spirit [...]

30 Jun, 2016

I Urge You to Pray!

By |2017-10-19T10:10:22-05:00June 30th, 2016|Recent Articles|0 Comments

I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 NASB The United States of America is at a critical time in our nation's history. It seems like we are repeating a precarious cycle from 50 years ago. In the [...]

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