
16 Apr, 2020

50-Day Divine Reset from Passover to Pentecost

By |2020-04-16T16:26:12-05:00April 16th, 2020|Recent Articles|0 Comments

We have entered into a 50-Day Divine Reset from Passover into Pentecost. In this strategic time in history, “God is Pushing the Reset Button.” In order to pass through this crucial period, it will require some intense chiropractic adjustments including Recalibration. Whatever is out of alignment, will be challenged. There will be a lot of pulling and stretching as we eventually move into a Recovery Phase and ultimately, if the Lord is willing, into one of the greatest times in recent history called the “Restoration of All Things” (see Acts 3:19-21). These are extreme times. If we are not careful [...]

4 Apr, 2012

The Passover Lamb of God

By |2017-09-14T12:58:06-05:00April 4th, 2012|Recent Articles|0 Comments

This week, on Friday, April 6th, 2012, the Feast of Passover begins at sundown. I am grateful for all the traditional Seders that are being held as believers from across the nations celebrate the biblical Jewish roots of our Christian faith. I have participated in various forms of the Seder Meal for years – especially after moving to Nashville, Tennessee and discovering such a rich understanding and honoring of our Jewish roots in this city. You may choose to use a Haggadah (printed guide that leads you through the retelling and traditions of the traditional Jewish Passover Seder Meal). [...]

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