new year

6 Oct, 2022

Prophetic Insights for Hebrew Year 5783

By |2022-10-06T15:26:42-05:00October 6th, 2022|Recent Articles|0 Comments

We have crossed over into a Hebrew New Year of 5783. There is the civil calendar that we live in, and then there is the Hebrew calendar that we celebrate—but God's calendar is the Hebrew calendar. Although many prophetic people will do a forecasting of things that are to come in the new year, looking at the Hebrew symbols and letters and things of that nature, I don’t tend to be one who interprets the lettering and the numbers, per se. Instead, out of my prophetic calling, I tend to lean into what the Holy Spirit is highlighting to me [...]

9 Jan, 2020

20 Prophetic Points for 2020

By |2020-01-09T16:32:12-06:00January 9th, 2020|Recent Articles|1 Comment

As we enter the year of 2020, clear 20 – 20 vision is vitally important both in the natural and in the spiritual. This requires insight from the Spirit of God and the Word of God revealing the Heart of God. It is neither “near sighted” nor “far sighted”; nor is it “night blindness. Clarity of sight comes from equal deposits of the Word of God and the Spirit of God, combined with hands on experience. 3 Verses for 2020 2 Chronicles 20:2 – “They rose early in the morning and went out to the wilderness of Tekoa; and when [...]

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