michal ann goll

6 Jan, 2010

Empowered Consecrated Women

By |2017-10-13T11:58:00-05:00January 6th, 2010|Recent Articles|0 Comments

For the teaching section of this week’s Prayer Storm bulletin, I am bringing you an excerpt from Michal Ann’s 40 Day Devotional Journal called Empowered Women. It is a brilliant book and is available at our online bookstore (put the information or link here.) I thought with the conference this week, it would be fitting to bring you some of Michal Ann’s departing thoughts and words. So here we go! With Gratitude, James W. Goll Become Empowered Today ~ Day 40 You are the God Who does wonders; You have demonstrated Your power among the peoples (Psalm 77:14). We [...]

5 Oct, 2009

Day 29 – Justice, Righteousness, and Compassion

By |2017-10-17T13:13:52-05:00October 5th, 2009|Recent Articles|0 Comments

from the book Empowered Woman by Michal Ann Goll He who oppresses the poor reproaches, mocks, and insults his Maker, but he who is kind and merciful to the needy honors Him (Proverbs 14:31). Reflection God wants governments to rule with justice, righteousness, and compassion, but we all know that this is not always the case. The psalmist writes, “God stands in the assembly [of the representatives] of God; in the midst of the magistrates or judges He gives judgment…. How long will you [magistrates or judges] judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? …Do justice to the [...]

18 Sep, 2009

Compassion Acts

By |2017-12-13T14:46:11-06:00September 18th, 2009|Recent Articles|0 Comments

By Michal Ann Goll Thus has the Lord of hosts spoken: Execute true judgment and show mercy and kindness and tender compassion, every man to his brother. And oppress not the widow or the fatherless, the temporary resident or the poor, and let none of you devise or imagine, or think evil against his brother in your heart (Zechariah 7:9-10). Mary and Martha Do you remember the story about Mary and Martha? In the past, I heard that “Mary chose the better part,” and that Martha was reprimanded. We need to look at the Scripture again. Part of the [...]

10 Jan, 2005

Dread Not

By |2018-02-01T10:12:41-06:00January 10th, 2005|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Devitional byMichal Ann Goll“Then you will prosper if you are careful to keep and fulfill the statutes and ordinances with which the Lord charged Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and of good courage. Dread not and fear not; be not dismayed.” I Chronicles 22: 13, Amplified Version “Dread Not"This month I feel directed to address the enemy of dread. I really hate this enemy. I’ve experienced its attacks many times, especially during this past year. I’ve had nights when I have awakened and it seemed as though dread was waiting there, crouching over me, ready to fill my night with sleeplessness, [...]

12 Dec, 2004

My Beloved

By |2018-01-08T11:49:09-06:00December 12th, 2004|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Scripture - “[She said distinctly] My beloved is mine and I am his!” Song of Solomon 2:16a, Amplified Version Devotional - “MY BELOVED" I want to share a short but very significant experience I had with the Lord about a year ago. About this time last year I was diagnosed with colon cancer. When I heard this diagnosis and was faced with my limited options, I so wanted to be healed supernaturally! Now, I’ve known times of divine healing, like when I was healed from barrenness in 1982 (we now have four children!). I’ve also known amazing times of [...]

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