
21 Mar, 2019

The Ahab Problem & the Jehu Solution

By |2019-03-22T16:39:51-05:00March 21st, 2019|Recent Articles|1 Comment

"You [Jehu] shall strike the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, at the hand of Jezebel." 2 Kings 9:7 NASB For every problem God has a Hope Solution. Even in our Last Days Battle with the Jezebel Spirit, the Holy Spirit is ready to anoint Godly leaders and consecrated believers with His grace and power to over throw and displace every spirit of wickedness in Jesus name! Remember, every mess is an opportunity for God’s next miracle. So let [...]

21 Feb, 2019

Exposing Jezebel’s Influence

By |2019-02-21T17:08:00-06:00February 21st, 2019|Recent Articles|0 Comments

We are in a Last Days battle for the true and pure prophetic to come forth. It is a battle between the demonic powers of Jezebel’s influence and the promised restoration of the spirit of Elijah. In the natural, Biblical setting, Queen Jezebel manipulated King Ahab and pressured the prophets into hiding. Elijah came forth with an authentic prophetic mantle to dismantle the ruling false power. As it was in this historical context, there are parallel lessons for us to learn and apply in our day. It is time to Expose Jezebel’s Influence and for the authority and anointing [...]

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