jewish holiday

16 Sep, 2015

Celebrating the Hebrew New Year 5776

By |2017-10-19T10:15:37-05:00September 16th, 2015|Recent Articles|0 Comments

We have now entered into the Hebrew New Year of 5776! The Ten Days of Awe is a time when many prophetic believers receive revelation for the new year. Below I highlight some of the things the Lord has been speaking to me - including the coming harvest, increased hunger for the Word, dreams fulfilled, and harvesters released. This also marks a new beginning for the ministry of Encounters Network! We believe that the Lord has amazing things in store for this year. We look forward to partnering with each of you to reach the nations of the earth through the [...]

12 Dec, 2012

Feast of Dedication and the Miracle of Chanukah

By |2017-07-13T13:25:36-05:00December 12th, 2012|Recent Articles|0 Comments

This festival in the Jewish calendar lasts eight days and falls during the month of  December. It is called the Feast of Dedication or sometimes referred to as the Festival of Lights. It started over 2,300 years ago in the land of Judea in the heart of modern day Israel. During the 2nd century, the Syrian King Antiochus IV Epiphanes (an oppressor and forerunner of the Anti-Christ as foretold in Daniel 11:21) attempted to force the Jewish people to assimilate into the Greek culture outlawing all Jewish religious observance. Eventually the Maccabees, a Jewish rebel army, defeated Antiochus’ armies [...]

25 Sep, 2009

Definition of the High Holy Days

By |2017-10-17T13:14:11-05:00September 25th, 2009|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Rosh Hashanah Main article: Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah (ראש השנה rōsh hashānāh, beginning of the year) is the Jewish New Year, and falls on the first and second days of the Jewish month of Tishri (September/October). The Mishnah, the core work of the Jewish Oral Torah, sets this day aside as the new year for calculating calendar years and Sabbatical and jubilee years. Rabbinic literature describes this day as a day of judgment. God is sometimes referred to as the "Ancient of Days." Some descriptions depict God as sitting upon a throne, while books containing the deeds of all [...]

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