Holy Spirit

15 Jun, 2020

Prophet: How You Can Intimately Connect With Holy Spirit Every Day

By |2020-06-29T13:20:38-05:00June 15th, 2020|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

Oh, how I love the Holy Spirit! He makes Jesus real. He makes the Father enjoyable. I roll out the red carpet to this precious dove of God every day. I say, "Holy Spirit, You are welcome here!" In these days, we want to welcome the baptism of the holy and fire. Send Your fire, Lord! The Holy Spirit is the one who connects us to heaven. Without Him, not even Jesus could have known what the Father wanted Him to say or to do. (See, for example, John 5:19.) If you want to know God, you absolutely must [...]

28 May, 2020

Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome Here!

By |2020-05-28T16:32:32-05:00May 28th, 2020|Recent Articles|4 Comments

“And you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” (Acts 2:2 NASB) Oh, how I love the Holy Spirit! He makes Jesus real! He makes the Father enjoyable! I roll out the red carpet to this precious Dove of God every day. I say, “Holy Spirit, You are welcome here!” In these days of observing and celebrating Pentecost, we want to welcome the Baptism of the Holy and Fire. Send Your fire, Lord! The Holy Spirit is the One who connects us to heaven. Without Him, not even Jesus could have known what the Father wanted [...]

30 Dec, 2019

How Will You Choose to Receive Spiritual Gifts?

By |2020-01-02T08:40:35-06:00December 30th, 2019|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

Since the beginning of time, the Holy Spirit has looked for people through whom He can manifest Himself. At the time of the creation, He "hovered" like a hen over her baby chicks (see Gen. 1:2). After the Exodus, Moses said, "Oh, that all the people of the Lord were prophets" (Num. 11:29b). The prophet Joel foretold a day when prophecy, dreams and visions would become widespread (see Joel 2:28-29). After Jesus came and the Spirit was given to the church, Peter announced that the day prophesied by Joel had arrived (see Acts 2:14-21). Today, we are still living [...]

9 Dec, 2019

James Goll: Why You Need This Vital Holy Spirit Activity

By |2019-12-12T14:30:38-06:00December 9th, 2019|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

Around the globe, I have taken an unofficial survey. I often ask the attendees, "What does the Holy Spirit do? What makes up the ministry of the Holy Spirit?"I always get great answers such as the Holy Spirit is the gift giver, sanctifier, bears fruit, brings conviction, speaks to us, intercedes through the believer, magnifies Jesus, releases dreams and visions and so much more.But one answer I have never heard from anyone anywhere.The Holy Spirit Listens!One of the ongoing activities of the Holy Spirit is listening and then communicating.More...

5 Dec, 2019

Listen! You Need this Vital Holy Spirit Activity

By |2019-12-05T16:48:37-06:00December 5th, 2019|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Around the globe I have taken an unofficial survey. I often ask the attendees, “What does the Holy Spirit do? What makes up the ministry of the Holy Spirit?” I always get great answers such as the Holy Spirit is the gift giver, sanctifier, bears fruit, brings conviction, speaks to us, intercedes through the believer, magnifies Jesus, releases dreams and visions and so much more. But one answer I have never heard from anyone anywhere. The Holy Spirit Listens! One of the ongoing activities of the Holy Spirit is listening and then communicating. The Holy Spirit speaks to us [...]

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