
10 Sep, 2014

Eight Strategic Turning Points – Part 2

By |2017-12-27T19:00:36-06:00September 10th, 2014|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Recently, I released Four Strategic Turning Points I have perceived. This is now Part Two bringing you an additional "Four More" Strategic Turning Points. The following is a review of the first four points upon which I will then build and bring the last half of this strategic message. The Middle East - a Boiling Cauldron The over a decade I have been declaring that in 2014, the Middle East would be a "boiling cauldron" where it seemed as though things were totally out of control. But, I continued looking for the promise in the midst of a "time of [...]

8 Jun, 2009

Healing for Believers Today

By |2018-03-15T18:25:40-05:00June 8th, 2009|Recent Articles|0 Comments

I felt it would be good for us to do a little “Word Study” as a part of our Prayer Storm efforts this week. So we are going to take a look at the Greek and Hebrew words used in scripture for healing. Let’s consider them and then be armed with the word of God for effective prayer purposes. Greek Words for Healing Wholeness is the root word ‘iaomai’ one of the five New Testament Greek verbs translated as ‘heal’. This word is used physically twenty five times (Matt. 15:28), figuratively of spiritual healing five times (Matt. 13:15, Jm. [...]

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