
29 Jun, 2020

3 Days of Prophetic Declaration for Healing the Land, Restraining Evil and Releasing the Promise

By |2020-07-02T10:56:44-05:00June 29th, 2020|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

For the days in which we live, we need to kneel before the Lord our maker in worship and unite in agreeing prayer and the power of declaration in Jesus' name. With this is mind, I have brought together some of the most established leaders in the global prayer and prophetic movement to bring us "7 Days of Declaration" after the model used by the prophet Daniel in which he prayed three times each day: morning, noon and evening. Though this article will only feature three days' worth of declaration, you can find a full week of prayers on [...]

25 Jul, 2019

Healing the Wounded Spirit: God’s Remedy for Persistent Hurts

By |2019-07-25T17:17:47-05:00July 25th, 2019|Recent Articles|0 Comments

The Broken Condition Described Jesus has come to heal the inside as well as the outside! In my walk with the Lord since childhood and being in full time vocational ministry for over 45 years, I found that one of the most common needs among believers and non believers alike, is the need for inner healing.  I have needed Jesus to heal my wounded spirit and heal my broken heart in different seasons of my life. I am sure that you can relate. Scripture uses the terms heart and spirit often interchangeably.  One thing for sure, we each need [...]

8 Dec, 2017

Miracles and Gifts: What They Have in Common & How to Receive Them

By |2017-12-08T12:36:34-06:00December 8th, 2017|Recent Articles|0 Comments

I've been reflecting lately on what miracles and gifts have in common. You do not earn them. You cannot perform well enough to deserve them. And they are freely given by the Holy Spirit. In fact, if the truth were to be told, a miracle is a gift. And like all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, a miracle is a demonstration of the depths of God's immense love. The spiritual gifts are given to flow through us as acts of mercy, kindness, and love toward others. In other words, we cannot hoard them and keep them to [...]

13 Jul, 2017

Have You Encountered a Father’s Love?

By |2017-07-12T16:47:41-05:00July 13th, 2017|Recent Articles|0 Comments

For many people today, the word father does not stir up happy thoughts of love and security, but painful memories of rejection, abuse, anger, fear, or loss. As a child in rural Missouri, I grew up knowing that Jesus loved me, but knowing "God as Father" was another matter! I just could not connect with this seemingly aloof and stern being called "God." But through a lengthy process and a powerful healing encounter, my perception has been altered. I want to share three simple steps that can help you approach Papa God as your loving heavenly Father. But first, [...]

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