God encounters

14 Apr, 2022

God Encounters Change Lives (Including Yours)

By |2022-04-14T15:45:35-05:00April 14th, 2022|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Does God still invade people’s lives with the supernatural today? What happens when God gets ahold of a person? How is a person’s life changed by God encounters? It only takes one touch from the living God, and you are never the same. God Encounters Change Lives! Certainly, as Scripture shows from these powerful examples, nothing is ever the same again once God has invaded your life! Jacob’s encounter with the living God—in a dream in the wilderness at Bethel—changed him from a deceiving schemer and trickster into Israel, “prince of God,” and father of a nation of the [...]

5 Aug, 2021

5 Keys to a Life of God Encounters

By |2021-08-05T16:08:28-05:00August 5th, 2021|Recent Articles|0 Comments

By the grace of God, my life has been filled with “God encounters”—God taking me to mountain tops, leading me through the valleys, and walking with me in the small moments, every step of every day. Really? Yes, and you can live a life filled with God encounters too. Guiding people into encounters with God has been my passionate pursuit for many decades. During all this time I have seen proof repeatedly: “God Encounters Are for Everyone!” 5 Keys to a Life of God Encounters Initially, I thought I would simply highlight some of the things I am known [...]

10 Aug, 2017

Visitation Encounters Happen Today!

By |2017-08-04T12:53:47-05:00August 10th, 2017|Recent Articles|0 Comments

There is nothing more important than an encounter with our supernatural God. One God encounter changes everything in our lives. Our priorities shift. Our perspective shifts. Things that used to seem important take a back seat, and our world suddenly turns from gray to technicolor. Are you hungry for a visitation from God? Do you want him to come and invade your life? I'll never forget when God encountered my wife back in 1992. She was never the same again. Though cancer took Michal Ann's body back in 2008, she is now living in the vibrant presence of the [...]

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