
15 Feb, 2018

12 Common Dream Categories: How Many Have You Had?

By |2018-02-15T14:35:44-06:00February 15th, 2018|Recent Articles|0 Comments

Dreams are as diverse as the languages we speak, the clothing we wear, and the food we eat. Dreams are a communications expression of the creative heart of God. As the Master artistically paints each flower of the field, so dreams are individually, tailor-made for you and me. What are dreams made of? Are they Spiritual gifts given for us to unwrap? Revelatory dreams naturally fall under the spiritual gift of prophecy. Yet they are too broad to be confined neatly and strictly just to one gift. Dreams may also be an impartation of the gift of discerning of [...]

12 Feb, 2018

James Goll: 15 Essential Keys for Dream Interpretation

By |2020-01-14T11:40:11-06:00February 12th, 2018|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

Walking in dream language and tapping into the mind and heart of God can be an exciting and exhilarating journey. But understanding and interpreting the revelation He gives in dreams can often be a complex and even confusing process. These 15 keys will help you to simplify the process of dream interpretation: Most of all, dreams should be interpreted on a personal basis first (John 10:3). Most dreams should not be taken literally. They need interpretation (Dan. 1:17; Gen. 40:8). God will use familiar terms that you know (Matt. 4:19). Ponder on the dream or revelation and ask the [...]

15 Jan, 2018

Push Back Demonic Darkness With This Explosive Weapon

By |2020-01-20T09:25:58-06:00January 15th, 2018|Charisma Blog|0 Comments

There are seven statements of Jesus on the cross. Perhaps the most important one of all is when He declared, "It is finished!" (John 19:30) Nothing else needed to be done because He had done it all. The work of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ is perfectly complete. I am convinced that we need this revelation to be able to pray effective prayers that avail much. We must learn to pray from this posture—from this perspective. We are not defeated. He has already won the battle and as authentic disciples of Jesus we are called to enforce the [...]

9 Nov, 2017

Exposing the Religious and Political Spirit

By |2017-11-30T14:44:44-06:00November 9th, 2017|Recent Articles|0 Comments

The religious and political spirits are alive and well in the world today. We see their influence, but we Christians often cannot discern what is really going on. We cast blame right and left on a human level, failing to expose the demonic influences around us. We may even be part of the problem. Yet with the Spirit of Jesus Christ living inside us, we have both a responsibility to address these demonic influences and the ability to do so. Jesus is still in the captive-freeing business today, right where you live. It was no surprise when Jesus stood [...]

26 Oct, 2017

4 Ways Evil Spirits Deceive—And How to Avoid Them!

By |2017-10-26T16:28:45-05:00October 26th, 2017|Recent Articles|1 Comment

Deceitful, unclean spirits are always lurking in the shadows, looking for some way to dissuade us from faithfully following God. We need to be on our guard at all times. Their insinuations are deceptive, manipulative, seductive, and alluring. Demons lure people from a position of stability into instability in an attempt to capture them in their web of lies. “The Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.” —1Timothy 4:1 (NASB) We can count on the Holy Spirit to help us discern and detect the [...]

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