

  • Choose Format: Softcover Study Guide; PDF Download Do you long to see an unprecedented outpouring of God’s Spirit? In Fires of Revival: Study Guide of Revival Breakthrough, you will learn how to co-labor with the Holy Spirit to create an opening for God’s presence. Discover how to progress from revival to awakening, and from reformation to transformation. Be prepared to experience God’s glory, revival fire, and awakening in your own life!
  • Choose Format: Softcover Study Guide; PDF Download In this study guide, James will lead you on the road to true intimacy, teaching you the riches of abiding prayer through Quieting Your Soul before God, Listening, Waiting, and Watching in Prayer, The Ministry of Fasting, Contemplative Prayer, and more. As you work through these lessons and apply them to your life, the presence of God will become more than just an occasional event or a passing spiritual high—you will experience what it is to live in daily awareness of God’s brilliant presence. 
  • Movido por un "sueño de comisión" de Dios, el autor James Goll actualiza el modelo de oración de siglos pasados y despliega un plan para los creyentes de hoy, una comunidad de intercesores que usan los medios de comunicación tan avanzados de hoy, para orar por la transformación mundial.

    Prompted by a "commissioning dream" from God, author James Goll updated the centuries-old prayer model of the Moravians and lays out a plan for today's believers to restore and release the Moravian model of the watch of the Lord into homes and prayer rooms around the world.

  • Su corazón ha sido creado para la presencia de Dios y no está completo sin ella. Los negadores tratarán de convencerlo de que la presencia de Dios es subjetiva y difícil de hallar, pero sus voces callan ante el deseo interior de una unión con su Señor y Creador. La sabiduría que contiene este libro le otorgará, minuto a minuto, confianza y esperanza mientras realiza su viaje hacia el gozo y el placer de la presencia de Dios. Your heart has been created for the Presence of God and it is not complete without His Presence living within. Naysayers try to convince you that God's Presence is elusive and subjective but their voice is silenced by the desire yearning from within for a union with your Lord and Creator, Jesus Christ. The wisdom contained in this book will give you moment-by-moment confidence and hope as you journey toward the joy and pleasure of knowing God's Presence.
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    Choose Format: CD Set; MP3 Audio on CD Prayer Storm places you on the spiritual battlefield, shoulder-to-shoulder with God. Without a concerted storm of prayer - around the clock and around the globe - there will be no revival. Prompted by a commissioning dream from God, author James Goll updated the centuries-old prayer model of the Moravians and lays out a plan for today's believers - an online community of intercessors who commit to pray one hour per week. You will have a worldwide impact as you discover the power of Prayer Storm. As a prayer stormer your voice joins the symphony of worshipers and pray-ers committed to stirring up revival, saving our youth and loving Israel to life.
  • In his new 3 message series, You Can Be a Discerner, James Goll demonstrates how to receive revelation through your natural senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste—and how to activate your supernatural senses to a greater degree than ever before. James provides a clear introduction for beginners looking for God’s direction and a challenging call for those already familiar with His leading—so you can hear clearly and fulfill God’s purposes.
  • Chuck D. Pierce and Rebecca Wagner Systema show how to receive the Word of the Lord, how to interpret dreams and visions and, acting on what you have discerned, ultimately fulfill the destiny God has for you.
  • In the muddle of day-to-day life, have you somehow forgotten that Christianity is a living, vibrant relationship with a personal God? In this Christian classic, late pastor and evangelist A. W. Tozer brings the mystics to bear on modern spirituality, grieving the hustle and bustle and calling for a slow, steady gaze upon God.
  • Just as all strong towers are built on firm foundations, so it is with our faith. Whether you are a veteran spiritual warrior or new believer, this accessible, comprehensive guide lays out the enduring biblical fundamentals that establish the bedrock of faith for every mature Christian.
  • James Goll takes readers on an adventure into the heart of what it means to hear God, and how to do it. Over the course of this journey, both beginners and those who have been listening to God for years will explore biblical principles about prayer, starting from square one. God is speaking to you today. Grow in assurance that He wants you to hear.
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    Is it possible to show a hungry world the kind of love the Bible promises? Here are candid stories from twelve respected leaders in the renewal today, promising us that the agape love of God is strongly at work--if we are willing to be vulnerable for his honor.

  • In this revised and updated edition of her groundbreaking book, author and pastor Jane Hamon unravels the scriptural meanings of dreams and visions, helping you discern when a dream is prophetic direction for your life -- and what to do about it.
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