

  • Within the pages of this book is an invitation to increase your hunger and passion for the Lord Jesus. You will experience the collision of religion with reality, theology with thirst, and legalism with extravagant love. Journey toward the joy and pleasure of knowing God's Presence.
  • Based on extensive biblical study and years of personal insights, James and Michal Ann Goll teach you to understand the language of dreams. You will learn to: receive and understand your dreams, interpret and apply your dream revelations, recognize the difference between the Holy Spirit, natural, and demonic dreams and much more.
  • Authors James Goll and Lou Engle seek to inspire an entire generation to exchange temporal pleasures for a radical and passionate leap into the spiritual joy of Jesus Christ. You will be propelled into joining the cries of other lovers of the Savior, "Is there not a cause in the land?" His answer is, "Yes!"
  • Buy The Lost Art of Intercession book & receive 10 Bonus Video Devotionals by James W. Goll! When God's people send "up" the incense of prayer and worship, God will send "down" supernatural power, anointing, and acts of intervention. James W. Goll paints a picture of prophetic clarity and urgency in this anointed work that sounds God's clarion call to His Church: This is the season for us to mount the walls with prayer and praise—and restore the lost art of intercession.
  • The Lifestyle of a Prophet takes you through a 21-day journey into the heart of the prophetic calling.  This guide will help you develop the intimacy with God essential to hearing His voice clearly.  Daily reflection questions, devotional prayers and practical applications will help you proclaim His words faithfully - and to step boldly into your calling.
  • Discover an exciting adventure awaiting you in the prophetic realm. God desires to shares his heart with you and with others. In Adventures in the Prophetic, a team of well-known prophets share their insights and experiences.

  • Format: Streaming Receive access to stream the A Radical Faith class audio and video lessons for as long as you maintain your subscription. Whether you are a veteran spiritual warrior or new believer, this accessible, comprehensive class lays out the enduring biblical fundamentals that establish the bedrock of belief for every mature Christian. This class will help you build an indestructible foundation of radical faith in the face of the wind and waves that are facing the world today.
  • Format: Streaming Receive access to stream the Walking in the Supernatural Life class audio and video lessons for as long as you maintain your subscription. In this foundational course, James Goll demystifies how to live the authentic supernatural lifestyle that Jesus lived and taught. These 12 lessons by James W. Goll will help you discover the joy and freedom of life by the Spirit.
  • Format: Streaming Receive access to stream the Getting to Know God and His Word class audio and video lessons for as long as you maintain your subscription. Do you want to know God better? This Getting to Know God and His Word class helps you understand who God is; his ways, his character, and how he has revealed himself. God has revealed the unchanging nature of His character to us in His Word. These 12 lessons by James W. Goll will help you discover the joy of knowing your heavenly Father and being transformed into His image.
  • Format: Streaming Receive access to stream the Hearing God's Voice Today class audio and video lessons for as long as you maintain your subscription. What are the ways that God speaks today? How do I know that what I am hearing is from God? As a believer in Jesus, one of the most important foundations you can build is how to hear God's voice and apply it to your life today. Whether you are a new believer or have been walking with God for years, these messages will give you practical tools to grow in recognizing the many ways God speaks. These 12 lessons by James W. Goll will activate your faith and stir you to hear God in new ways and obey what He is saying!
  • Format: Streaming Receive access to stream the Prayers that Strike the Mark class audio and video lessons for as long as you maintain your subscription. The words of the intercessor are a powerful force for healing the wounds of the past, closing doors to the enemy and shaping the course of history. In this thorough and precise class, James W. Goll exposes you to many different strategies and models of prayer, and how to maximize their effectiveness. As you work through these lessons and apply these truths in your prayer closet, you will find yourself striking the mark of God’s heart in intercession.
  • Format: Streaming Receive access to stream the Dream Language class audio and video lessons for as long as you maintain your subscription. In this class James W. and Michal Ann Goll equip you for a greater understanding of the language of dreams, grounding you in the Word of God concerning dreams and how to interpret them. These 13 lessons will help you begin to understand the dream language through which God desires to talk with you.
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