Format: 4 MP3 Downloads In these four messages, James Goll teaches on entering into the completed work Jesus has accomplished, the believer's position in heavenly places with Christ, and the mighty and effective weapons of our warfare. Discover what true victory is and why we need the revelation of Jesus to experience it!
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads In these four messages, James shares from a deep well of revelation and research to bring a more complete understanding of the role of Israel and the Middle East in God's calendar and world events. These messages will give you prayer points to bring before God on behalf of Israel and her people and a clearer understanding of God's purposes for the end-times.
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads In these four messages, James Goll will help you better understand the biblical basis for prayer and intercession and how we as God's people are called to respond in prophetic intercession to plead the promises of God. You will be emboldened to make a positive difference in your nation, community, and family.
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads In these four messages, James Goll shows you how to lean into your heavenly Father and pray what you see and hear in alignment with His heart, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Discover how to make your prayers more effective and bring them into agreement with the heart of God every single time!
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads These four messages will stir your faith and inspire you to live a life of supernatural fruit and gifting. You can make a difference when you rely upon Jesus and put your trust in the finished work of the cross. These teachings were used to compose the book, Living a Supernatural Life.
Choose Format: 4 MP3 Downloads; 4 CD SetGod is an emotive God. Your five natural senses have corresponding spiritual senses. The gifts of the Spirit often operate through your five senses and especially your feelings. These four messages will help you learn to identify the emotions of God, embrace your sensitive nature, respond appropriately to your feelings, and cooperate with and flow in the power of God.
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads Do you want to know God better? These four messages will help you understand who God is: His ways, His character, and how He has revealed Himself in His Word. Listen as James focuses on the identity of God and how we can know the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Develop a hunger for God's Word and be transformed as you get to know God in a deeper relationship!
Format: MP3 Download In this day and age when spiritual experiences of all kinds are on the rise, it is essential that believers be grounded in the truth so that we may rightly judge supernatural occurrences in our lives and the lives of those we love. The Best of Angelic Encounters – 4 Message Set is an invaluable resource for understanding the nature, purpose, and function of angelic encounters.
Choose Format: 4 MP3 Downloads; 4 CD Set Do you prophesy? Scripture is clear, God's heart is that ALL His children would prophesy (Numbers 11:29, Acts 2:17)! So, whether you have never prophesied before, or you have been prophesying for years, this teaching series will equip you to walk in this important gift of the Spirit and make sure your foundation in the prophetic is sure. As apply these lessons to your life, you will grow in both understanding and applying your prophetic gift.
Choose Format: 4 MP3 Downloads; 4 CD Set Do you want to understand how God speaks to you through dreams? These 4 messages will help you build a solid foundation for understanding your dreams and how to interpret them. Discover how God wants to speak to you in the night and how you can properly handle this revelation with wisdom.
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads Do you need tools to battle the enemy's plans and schemes? In these four messages, James gives relatable tools to help you combat the powers of darkness in your own life and come out on the winning side. Personal stories and revelatory understanding are combined to help you pierce through any darkness you confront.
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads Do you want to learn how to pray powerfully targeted prayers for victory and breakthrough? It's time to take your place in the orchestra of prayer for the glory of God and learn to play your distinct instrument. These four messages are a perfect complement to James Goll's book, Strike the Mark. Apply these truths in your prayer closet as you pray from a victorious position and strike the mark of God's heart in intercession!
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads God is re-awakening His people to the fact that He still speaks today and He desires to have a personal relationship with His people. Journaling—writing down what we hear from God is a tried and trusted tool to receive, retain, and properly steward the voice of God. In this series of messages, James Goll gives us keys to know how to begin and grow in our relationship with God through journaling.
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads These 4 messages bring the power of personal story alongside the foundational teaching to complement the book, God Encounters Today. Authors James W. and Michal Ann Goll share from their own encounters how God has brought them freedom from fear, greater understanding of prophetic grace, and important keys and safeguards for operating in the supernatural realm. Answer the invitation to enter the joy of encountering God in your life today!
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads Receiving revelation from God—it is something we all want! These 4 messages are hand picked from The Discerner class to give the listener a solid foundation to learn how to know God’s voice and how He communicates with each one of us. Gain clarity, avoid the traps of the enemy and discern the times in which we live.
Format: 4 MP3 Downloads Your heart has been created for the Presence of God and it is not complete without His Presence living within. These 4 messages will help you discover the delight of quiet meditation and learn to wait and watch with your Lord. You will experience the joy of contemplative prayer, understand the fire of His love, and learn about the journey of those who sought and found the sweetness of His Presence. These messages are complementary to James Goll's book, The Lost Art of Practicing His Presence.
Sale!Format: 4 MP3 Downloads The Best of A Call to Courage 4 Message Set from Michal Ann Goll is a stirring complement to the book, Heroines of Faith, as she shows you how to step out of fear and step into courage. She highlights testimonies from her own life and simple women of faith throughout the ages who have done great exploits in the name of Jesus.
Sale!Format: 4 MP3 Downloads The Best of A Call to Compassion 4 Message Set from Michal Ann & James W. Goll is a stirring complement to the book, Heroines of Faith, as they teach through their own experiences and stories of the lives of others how to walk in powerful compassion.