If you missed Part 1 of the teaching on Praying from a Victorious Perspective, click here to read the article. This topic continues to rest upon my heart and soul and I continue to give it much prayerful thought. So hold on to your seat as I unpack another layer of my musings.
Years ago I was on a plane sitting at a window seat while we were circling over New York City. The Holy Spirit said to me, “This is the best position.” I wondered what the Holy Spirit meant as I peered from a heavenly vantage point looking down over the amazing sites of one of my most beloved cities on the earth. “This is the best position for prayer: looking down.”
This phrase has been stuck inside me for years now. It shifted some of my understanding and approach towards intercession. Do we pray up thru something or down into something? As New Covenant believers in Christ Jesus, you and I are already seated with Christ at the Father’s right hand. Ephesians 1:19-23 NASB clearly states this.
“These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullnes of Him who fills all in all.”
The Simplicity and Power of Proclamation
One morning a very clear word from the Holy Spirit came to me stating, “It is time to make a worldwide impact by calling forth the watchmen to the prophetic power of proclamation.” Again, that word has rattled my mindset and shifted my prayer posture.
So let’s take another look at the definition of this term proclamation or declaration. To proclaim is to announce, declare, ascribe, call out, cry, invite, preach, pronounce, publish, read and to herald. One of the primary scripture verses on proclamation comes from Deuteronomy 32:3-4.
“I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.”
Four Key Core Values that Bring Alignment
- God is Good All the Time!
- Nothing is Impossible with God
- Everything that Needed to be Accomplished was Done at Calvary
- You and I are Ambassadors of Christ and Carry His Delegated Regal Authority!
These four values will shape your attitudes and expectations. Jesus said, “It is finished!” We do not fight for victory; we fight from victory! False humility will deny your destiny, but true humility will take you to it!
Ten Declarations to Make Over Your Life
- I AM A LOVER OF GOD – My chief aim and goal of life is to worship God and to bring pleasure to Him.
- I AM A LOVER OF PEOPLE – I live to engage in the journey of learning to love where I expect nothing in return.
- I AM GENEROUS – I live to give as it is better to give than receive.
- I AM AN EMPOWERER – I live to help others fulfill their destinies, dreams, visions and desires.
- I AM FRUITFUL – As I abide in Christ, I am fruitful and bear much fruit in all I put my hands to.
- I AM RIGHTEOUS AND JUST — I have received the gift of righteousness and I live to see God’s righteousness and justice fill the earth.
- I AM GREATLY FAVORED — I am highly favored by God and I live to brighten the lives of others.
- I AM BLESSED – Jesus came to give me abundant life and I here to share His blessed life with others.
- I AM FULL OF FAITH – I live believing God’s promises are true and I am full of transforming faith.
- I AM A CREATOR OF REALMS AND ATMOSPHERES – I live to fill the earth with Christ’s goodness, righteousness, and the glory of God.
Bless You,
James W. Goll

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