When we surrender our senses to our Creator, He enhances them.

Each of us needs to become a discerner—no matter what our personal background or specific gift or function in the body of Messiah. Although some believers are especially gifted as prophets, every follower of Jesus receives the gifts of revelation and discernment. And every believer needs to use them! In fact, without discernment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, we cannot progress in our use of any of the gifts and callings. But when we do, the sky is the limit!

As a kid growing up in a small town in Missouri, I loved watching programs on our little black-and-white television set. I would watch them for as long as I was allowed, and the picture never seemed dull, lifeless or lacking in clarity. But when we upgraded to a color TV, suddenly the programs came alive to me in a new way. We went from everything being black and white to omni-vision over night!
