Hello, friends! This is James Goll ,at the beginning of each month, I bring a word of exhortation, and for February, the Lord has placed this powerful declaration on my heart: Increased fire to deliver old bondages.
Deliverance Through the Fire of God
When people go through seasons of exposure, it’s rarely about something new. Instead, it’s about old strongholds being brought into the light. The fire of God is increasing to burn away these bondages and release deliverance to His people.
My theme verse comes from Acts 2:21 ESSV, which is a quote from Joel 2:28–32: “And whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” This word saved in the Greek is sozo, which means “healed, forgiven, and delivered.” In these end times, there is a fresh call for deliverance from darkness, and the fire of God is increasing to accomplish this work!
A Whosoever Promise
This is not about rank or position. Deliverance is not reserved for a select few—it is a whosoever promise! Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord can receive breakthrough. This is a desperate cry, a reaching for salvation, healing, and freedom.
I declare to you today: There is increased fire to deliver old bondages! This is not just good news; it is God news! Who wants to welcome the fire of the Holy Spirit? John the Baptist prophesied of One who would come to baptize us in the Holy Spirit and fire. That fire is here. That fire is now.
The Unveiling of Old Strongholds
Some of you have been wrestling with the same struggles for years. Maybe it’s fear. Maybe it’s control. Maybe it’s generational iniquities passed down through your family. Whatever it is, I am telling you—there is increased fire to bring freedom!
Light always exposes darkness. As God releases new levels of revelation, it brings conviction and exposes old strongholds. But exposure is not for condemnation; it is for our deliverance! Those who recognize the darkness and call upon the name of the Lord will be set free—free indeed.
A Deliverance Movement is Here
This is more than just a teaching; it is a movement of the Holy Spirit! Some call it a refined deliverance movement, but I say it is a raw, Holy Ghost fire deliverance movement! It might look different in different places—some loud, some systematic—but the result is the same: the increased fire of God is burning away the chains that have bound His people.
I see young people experiencing deliverance. To a 17-year-old, being bound for three years feels like a lifetime. To a 55-year-old, battling something for 30 years is a long time. But no matter your age, Jesus is here to set you free!
Prophetic Dreams of Fire and Deliverance
For years, the Lord has given me dreams of radical worship leading to baptisms—baptisms that go beyond water into the power of the Holy Spirit and fire! I have seen lightning bolts striking the water, igniting Holy Spirit baptisms followed by a baptism of fire. And then—something I had never seen before—a baptism of deliverance!
I declare to you: It is here! We are stepping into an era where deliverance is coming like fire. Some of you are not ready for it, but that’s okay—it’s coming anyway! God is moving, and nothing can stop it.
Breaking Generational Bondages
Right now, generational iniquities are breaking off! I see chains snapping, keys being released, and captives set free! If you know that there has been a generational pattern of bondage in your family, now is the time to call upon the name of the Lord and break it. You do not have to pass these bondages to your children. Freedom is available today!
Receive it. Walk in it. Let the fire of God set you free.
In the mighty name of Yeshua Jesus, Amen and Amen!
God bless you, and let’s continue to walk in the freedom of Christ!
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