Since the beginning of time, the Holy Spirit has looked for people through whom He can manifest Himself.

At the time of the creation, He “hovered” like a hen over her baby chicks (see Gen. 1:2).

After the Exodus, Moses said, “Oh, that all the people of the Lord were prophets” (Num. 11:29b).

The prophet Joel foretold a day when prophecy, dreams and visions would become widespread (see Joel 2:28-29).

After Jesus came and the Spirit was given to the church, Peter announced that the day prophesied by Joel had arrived (see Acts 2:14-21).

Today, we are still living in that day and God is ministering His gifts to those who will receive them and release them to raise a dying world to true life. God wants to give us gifts so that we can spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.
