A strategic new governmental prayer movement is beginning called One Voice Prayer Movement, chaired by Paula White Cain, Todd Lamphere, Dave Kubal and Jon & Jolene Hamill. Others such as Mike and Cindy Jacobs, Dutch Sheets and myself help to comprise the core team for this valiant new effort.

In June while ministering in Miami at King Jesus Ministries, I proclaimed that soon there would be the beginning of the greatest governmental prayer movement in the history of the United States—and possibly be a model for governments of the nations. I had been given dreams at the beginning of 2019 where I saw that a united prayer force would converge to intercede for all three branches of government and eventually cover in prayer every cabinet member. I waited for the right location and time and released this prophetic word in June at Apostle Maldonado’s School of the Supernatural.

Let’s Make History Together
