The Best of Prayers that Strike the Mark Bundle – includes Strike the Mark Book & The Best of Prayers that Strike the Mark 4 MP3 Message Set – By James W. Goll

The Best of Prayers that Strike the Mark Bundle – includes Strike the Mark Book & The Best of Prayers that Strike the Mark 4 MP3 Message Set – By James W. Goll

Original price was: $46.00.Current price is: $29.00.

Strike the Mark of God’s Heart in Intercession! 

Save up to 37% when you purchase this bundle of the Strike the Mark Book & The Best of Prayers that Strike the Mark 4 MP3 Message Set by James W. Goll!


Strike the Mark of God’s Heart in Intercession! 

Save up to 37% when you purchase this bundle of the Strike the Mark Book & The Best of Prayers that Strike the Mark 4 MP3 Message Set by James W. Goll!

STRIKE THE MARK – Book or Audiobook – By James W. Goll

  • Choose Format:
    • Softcover Book
    • Audiobook — 6 CD Set read by James W. Goll

Prayers that strike the mark are specific prayers authorized by the Holy Spirit and endowed with divine power to accomplish the will of God in your life and for the needs of the world. On the cross, Jesus fulfilled the ultimate answer to all of our prayers, but He awaits our invitation to come into our situations and circumstances. When people of prayer intercede, they create a meeting place between the Heavenly Father and His children. God comes upon the person who is praying and moves them from the natural to the supernatural. Empowered by God, the intercessor has the authority to cut down enemy forces and pick out “targets” for God’s lightning bolts of glory, bringing victory and breakthrough.


Format: 4 MP3 Downloads

Do you want to learn how to pray powerfully targeted prayers for victory and breakthrough? It’s time to take your place in the orchestra of prayer for the glory of God and learn to play your distinct instrument. These four messages are a perfect complement to James Goll’s book, Strike the Mark. Apply these truths in your prayer closet as you pray from a victorious position and strike the mark of God’s heart in intercession!

Messages include: 

Message One: The Orchestra of Prayer

Message Two: Reminding God of His Word

Message Three: Praying On-Site with Insight

Message Four: Praying from a Victorious Perspective


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