Judicial Intercession – Audio Message – By James W. Goll

Judicial Intercession – Audio Message – By James W. Goll


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In this potent message, James W. Goll gives you insights on how to identify and capture the thief that steals in your life. Receive the scriptural tools needed to capture generational demonic forces and bind them up through judicial intercession in Jesus’ name.


Format: MP3 Download

In this potent message, James W. Goll gives you insights on how to identify and capture the thief that steals in your life. Proverbs teaches us that when you “catch a thief” he has to repay seven-fold. James models how to invoke the “justice of God” in intercession, leading you into a courtroom hearing with Jesus as your personal advocate before the Judge of all, our Father God.

Receive the scriptural tools needed to capture generational demonic forces and bind them up through judicial intercession in Jesus’ name. Listen, pray and reap the rewards.

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