Leon and Paula Hoover
Leon is the Executive Director of Harvest Time Encounters. The ministry is dedicated to help children at risk in the USA, and abroad. Leon and Paula head up the GEM Solar Bible Projects and recently have been thrust into Crisis Relief due to Hurricane Helena.
Bible Distribution
Looking for good soil to sow a seed of faith?
Bible Distribution and Solar powered Audio Bibles are good soil!
It is with great enthusiasm that I report GEM MISSIONS is currently providing monthly support to 29 different ministries! These ministries range from human trafficking prevention to ministry on Native American reservations, feeding the poor, distributing the Word of God, and teaching and training leaders across the globe. You are a part of every one of these stories of Good News!
Let me highlight one of them: Harvest Time Encounters, led by Leon Hoover, this ministry does incredible work, and one key area where we have partnered with them is in the distribution of Bibles & Solar Bibles. We have been blessed with favor in this Solar Bible project, raising tens of thousands of dollars to purchase these Bibles, and then sending the Word of God across nations in many different languages.
GEM recently used some of these missions funds, you have given to purchase 60 Bibles for pastors in Uganda. In October, Leon will travel to Uganda with Jeffrey Thompson, a long-time former GEM staff member and a beloved friend of this ministry. They will attend the graduation of 60 pastors from a 6-month Bible school located northeast of Kampala, in the countryside. Each graduate will receive a copy of the Spirit Filled Study Bible.
What began as a commemoration of the life of Michal Ann Goll has turned into a larger mission. God Encounters Ministries raises funds to bring solar-powered audio Bibles to the remote areas of the world such as Uganda, Mozambique, Ethiopia and war torn Ukraine.
Both Bibles and Solar Bibles are given to leaders of churches and ministries where Harvest Time Encounters with Leon Hoover, and Iris Ministries with Heidi Baker have an ongoing presence and strong community relationships.
Leon, and his wife Paula, have been long time partners with God Encounters Ministries. In this partnership, we have been able to get hundreds – even thousands – of solar powered bibles into the hands of leaders, new believers and those displaced by war worldwide.
GEM Missions Main – Bibles – Solar & Printed – Emergency Relief – First Nations Outreach – Treasures From GEM – Tools for the Harvest
More About GEM and Our TORCH Solar Audio Bible Mission
by: Leon Hoover
When I delivered the first solar powered audio Bibles to Mozambique, Heidi Baker later said, “It is the best evangelistic tool I have ever seen. The people were kissing them and jumping with joy.”
Last November, in a small town in South Africa, we heard of an older Christian woman whose eyesight had failed; she could no longer read her Bible. Sometimes, God heals by restoring; this time He provided a Torch to light her way. The Torch, a solar powered audio Bible, had her heart language, Zulu, loaded in its memory. I cannot begin to convey the joy that filled that little home when we pressed “play.” There were tears and laughter and praises all around as she clutched the Torch listening to the Word of God in her own language. She could not stop expressing her gratitude to us and to the Lord. How precious is His Word. It does go forth!
Solar powered Audio Bibles are good soil.
The Lord has called us at God Encounters Ministries to be good stewards of the riches and treasures He has given us. Through GEM Missions, we have been able to make GREAT impact and share the gospel with thousands of hungry people this year through our Solar Powered Bibles Project! Both in Africa and in Europe!
In July, 350 of these unique bibles were delivered into Northern Ethiopia. Just a few days ago, the leaders for the school were caught in a cross-fire between opposing forces, they made it out without physical injury. These Bibles are providing hope and light in a very difficult situation. The students in the mission school are continuing to meet.
Additionally, 50 bibles were provided to an unreached people group several hours north of Archer’s Post in northern Kenya. These people first heard the Good News of Jesus in March. They are part of a larger language group but have remained isolated in this jungle area.
With your help, 50 more solar powered Bibles were provided to older brothers & sisters who have never had a Bible to read in churches around Mbarara in Southwest Uganda.
On top of the Bibles going to Africa, 450 Solar Powered Bibles have been distributed in war torn Ukraine and they are asking for more! Recently, James got to interview one of the Pastors in Poland who has been pivotal in distributing these bibles. Read below to read how Pastor Siyabonga was able to connect with many and pass on the light of the Word of God. It’s a great opportunity and God’s Word never returns void!
This solar powered device aptly named, the Torch. It is an Audio Bible/Flashlight/Phone charger. This device from our friends at Renew World Outreach. Many can’t access God’s Word because of oppression, illiteracy, and limited electricity and internet. Our friends at Renew World Outreach develop solar powered audio/visual equipment to help reach people in their heart language.
God Encounters Ministries is partnering with Harvest Time Encounters to distribute these Solar Powered Bibles.
Is it time for you to sow seed in good soil?
GEM’s Emphasis in Giving is open for you to purchase one or more solar powered audio Bibles for distribution. Our goal is to put each Torch into the hands of a believer who will share the Sound of His Voice.
Solar powered Audio Bibles are good soil.