Sharing the Father’s Heart
It is with great enthusiasm that I report GEM MISSIONS is currently providing monthly support to 30 different ministries! These ministries range from human trafficking prevention to ministry on Native American reservations, feeding the poor, distributing the Word of God, and teaching and training leaders across the globe. Now, due to Hurricane Helena we have been thrust into an even greater depth of Emergency Relief and You are a part of every one of these stories of Good News!
Partnering Together – James Shares His Father Heart
Once I was given a dream where I was searching for Gemstones. These precious jewels were to be presented to the King of Kings and added to the Lord’s crown. We cannot fulfill this vision alone. I believe that thousands of believers just like you will join us by finding G.E.M.’s for the Lord’s crown.
One way you can help is to become a monthly financial partner or give a one-time donation. Together we can see Jesus Christ “receive the rewards of His suffering.” We would be honored to have you partner with us in this exciting and yet humbling journey where Jesus Christ is crowned Lord of All!
The History of GEM Missions
When you hear the voice of the Lord, you always tend to think the message is for right then; and it is. And then time slips by and you recall to your mind (see Lamentations ) the words of yesterday and you realize that they carry even greater weight today. So is the case with this short word I am going to deliver to you. It is so true, that I will never forget the morning when the dove of God came gently to me and opened my ear (see Isaiah 50:4) and I heard His voice, “I will have a Revival of Kindness.” I even remember pondering response of my heart, “Now that would be a novel idea. The body of Christ would be kind!” How refreshing!
My own beginnings in ministry is one few really know about. I did an internship in social work and lived in a small non air conditioned room in an inner-city mission. I served at the Wesley Community Center and served people whose skin color was not like mine. I was the minority. I worked among the fatherless, the gangs and learned how to love others as God loved me. I sweated. I prayed. I started journaling. I played with kids. I wept… I did acts of kindness.
Whether it has been building homes in the mountains of Guatemala, doing prayer journeys around the globe, outreaches among the First Nations people, or bathing the elderly in nursing homes, I know a little bit about serving the least of these. I have seen how acts of kindness leave behind a sweet fragrance of Jesus long after you have left. Yes, every sacrifice counts. And I still believe there will be a “Revival of Kindness”. I really do. How about you?
With this history in mind, GEM Missions is not really some new thing – it is the continuation of a revelation where Mary and Martha are sisters of the same house. In fact, our latest expression, GEM’s Emergency Relief Fund, is another opportunity to let others know that Father God cares and that you care. And the old truths are still today’s truths where everyone can share the Father’s Heart. “Pray, Go and Give”.
Remember, in Jesus, We Make A Great Team!
James W. Goll

Jason Ford – GEM Missions Director
Jason Ford is a passionate man of prayer with a strong prophetic intercessory gifting. His heart is to see revival and awakening from Nashville to the nations. Jason is married to Amy and they have three children.
Jason serves on the Board of God Encounters Ministries and also travels to many nations as a Prophetic Evangelist as well as leading his family together on prayer journeys across America and abroad as Fords on a Mission

GEM Missions
GEM Missions takes on many forms, through partnerships with organizations that have boots on the ground and also local expressions of the hands and feet of Jesus. GEM Missions are primarily expressed through:
- Bibles – Distributing Solar and Printed Bibles worldwide.
- Emergency Relief – Supporting those in immediate need.
- First Nations Outreach – Providing ongoing aid and resources for First Nations communities.
- Treasures From GEM – Sharing books and prayer materials with prisons, outreaches and houses of prayer.
In Loving Memory of Michal Ann Goll
“It is not the length of Years one Lives, It is the Depth of Their Impact.” Statement made by James W. Goll
With this in mind, this one-of-a-kind lady, touched everyone she ever met and left a
sweet aroma of Christ that is lasting to this day.
Celebrate with Us a Life Well-Lived by Giving a Donation of Honor to one of our GEM Mission Projects.
James W. Goll and Family and God Encounters Ministries