National Prophetic Summit – One Nation Under God

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October 14, 2020 @ 9:00am–5:00pm – Nashville, TN
National Prophetic Summit: “One Nation Under God”
Hosted By: International Young Prophets & Elizabeth Tiam-Fook

Special Guests: Patricia King, Bishop Bill Hamon, Bishop Harry Jackson, James W. Goll, Bishop Joseph Garlington, Tom & Jane Hamon, Barbara Yoder, Brian Guerin, Dr. Paula Price, Mayor Barry Gordon, Will Ford, Jennifer Eivaz, Jamie Galloway, Jessi Green, Joshua Giles, Jeremy Duggins, Johnathan Stidham, Larry Sparks, Trisha Roselle, Justin Louis Murrell, Missy Lindsay, and many more…

Worship: Alberto & Kimberly Rivera

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