The Chamber of Life
Building Foundation – Knowing Truths, Growing in Faith
The purpose of the Chamber of Life is to inspire and equip people to live an overcoming and character-filled Christian life of faith. This teaching series covers the elementary principles that are the foundation for every believer, as well as truths concerning the overcoming church.
A Radical Faith
Whether you are a veteran spiritual warrior or a new believer, this accessible, comprehensive class lays out the enduring biblical fundamentals that establish the bedrock of belief for every mature Christian and help you stand strong in the face of the wind and waves facing the world of our day.
Walking in the Supernatural Life
In this foundational class, James Goll, demystifies how believers can fully live the authentic supernatural lifestyle that Jesus lived and taught – through a life dependent on the Holy Spirit. Learn what it means to live supernaturally natural… and then start living naturally supernatural.
Getting to Know God and His Word
This class joyfully guides you into the spiritual reality of knowing God’s heart through an intentional, ongoing relationship with Him. God has revealed the unchanging nature of His character to us in His Word, and invites us to make scripture come alive by daily encountering Him.
Hearing God’s Voice Today
As a believer in Jesus, one of the most important foundations you can build is how to hear God’s voice and apply it to your life. Whether you are a new believer or have been walking with God for years, this class will give you practical tools to grow in recognizing the many ways God speaks.
Discovering Hope for Your Life
No matter what you’ve been through, this class will give you useful tools to discover life in the midst of difficulty. As you apply these lessons, you will be infused with the happy anticipation of good for your own life and then empowered to release hope, life and love to others.

The Chamber of Intimacy
Blueprints for Prayer – Prelude to Revival
The purpose of the Chamber of Intimacy is to inspire and equip people to walk in intimacy and communion with God through prayer. For King David, prayer was not a formality or a ritual but a heartfelt expression, a chanted song of praise and exaltation. Rediscover the lost art of prayer with this inspirational series.
Tending the Fires of Intercession
When God’s people send “up” the incense of prayer and worship, God sends “down” supernatural power, anointing, and acts of intervention. This class will show you how vital your prayers are, give you courage to pray for the “impossible,” and help you find persistence to see your prayers to completion.
Powerful Prophetic Intercession
What if there was a key that made your prayers more effective, bringing them into agreement with the heart of God every single time? This kind of praying exists—and it is called Prophetic Intercession! Learn to pray in concert with the heart of God to see prophetic promises fulfilled.
Prayers that Strike the Mark
In prayer, you have authority to bind enemy forces and pick out “targets” for God’s lightning bolts of glory to strike the mark, bringing victory and breakthrough. This class will give precision to your intercession, exposing you to different strategies of prayer and maximizing their effectiveness.
Global Prayer Storm
Global Prayer Storm places you on the spiritual battlefield, shoulder-to-shoulder with God’s heavenly hosts with a concerted storm of prayer around the globe. In this class, you will learn about historic sustained prayer movements and how we as God’s people are called to respond in prophetic intercession to plead the promises of God.
The Destiny of Israel and the Middle East
In the midst of wars and rumors of wars, Abraham’s descendants are a key that God will use to bring forth a global awakening that will impact the nations. This class will call you to pray for the destiny of Israel and the Middle East as God pours out His Spirit, fulfilling the amazing prophetic promises in His Word.
Consecrated Contemplative Prayer
Drawing from the truths of Christian mystics of the past, this class will help you to rediscover the lost precepts of Biblical meditation, contemplative prayer, and waiting on the Lord. Learn how to make living in the presence of God your daily reality and bring change to the atmosphere around you!

The Chamber of Revelation
Equipping a Prophetic Army
The purpose of the Chamber of Revelation is to inspire and equip people to receive and impart revelation through prophetic grace. King David was a prophet chosen by God. And a prophet is someone – indeed, anyone – who speaks for God with authority. Now you can explore the scriptural foundations of this important spiritual gifting through this revelatory series.
Exploring the Feeler Realm
The gifts of the Spirit often operate through your five senses, especially your feelings. This class will teach you to recognize, filter and understand the often-subtle ways the Holy Spirit speaks directly to your heart, emotions and intuition, bringing divine revelation through your sanctified feelings.
Dream Language
Based on extensive study, grounding in the Word of God and filled with personal insights, James W. and Michal Ann Goll build a solid framework for how you can understand, interpret, and apply dream revelation by finding the dream language that is uniquely yours, a gift from your heavenly Father.
Angelic Encounters Today
Angels were at work throughout the Old and New Testaments and they are still at work today! In this class, James and Michal Ann Goll use Scripture, church history, testimonies, and personal experience to help you discover the true nature, role, and history of angels in our world.

The Chamber of Action
Empowered for Ministry – Experiencing Power
The purpose of The Chamber of Action is to be empowered for personal ministry. The life of the Spirit is a life of power. King David understood this, for he was a man not only of great political power but spiritual power as well. In this dynamic series, James W. Goll leads you to a deeper realization of the practical Biblical principles that can empower your ministry.
Revival Breakthrough
We are called to partner with the Holy Spirit to create an opening for God’s presence, revival, and harvest to manifest on the earth. But how do we do that? The great harvest will come when God’s people have a breakthrough of revival—a movement of the Holy Spirit in our midst in which we are cleansed, empowered, healed, and commissioned so we can partner with Him.
Deliverance from Darkness
As a believer in Christ Jesus, you are called to release His powerful presence everywhere you go, blazing forth His light into the darkness, and delivering the captives. In this class, you will discover the step-by-step process of freeing yourself and others from the enemy through the authority you have in Jesus Christ.
The Healing Anointing
Learn how to yield to the Spirit and grow in the anointing as you lift up Jesus as The Healer. This potent class will equip you with topics like: The Healing Ministry of Jesus, How to Move In and Cooperate with the Anointing, Healing the Wounded Spirit, Overcoming Rejection, The Five Stage Healing Model, and much more.
Releasing Spiritual Gifts Today
God wants you to experience the great wonder of moving in and through His grace – on a daily basis, and pour out His gifts on you with even greater degrees of impact and authority. This class will give you an overview of the nine most widely recognized spiritual gifts and how the Holy Spirit moves and operates within them.