The following are excerpts taken from posts composed by Jon Hamil of Lamplighter Ministries located in the Washington D. C. area. Jon has hosted James Goll on 3 national teleconference prayer calls in October on issues related to the Middle East, the rise of ISIS and other strategic issues. This written report correlates with the phone conference call from this past Wednesday, October 21, 2014 that we have posted in the PS Audio section below. We encourage you to listen to the interview and read the following summary written by Jon Hamil.

James W. Goll

Historic Prayer Calls by Jon Hamill

In a historic prayer call two nights before Yom Kippur, James W. Goll mapped out the prophetic season we are entering into with great clarity and resolve. Much of what was shared was originally seen by James prophetically back in 1987-more than two decades ago. He essentially was shown three Mideast wars America would be involved in, and was commanded to spend a month in prayer during the outset of each one.

The final war the Lord highlighted to him in this visitation was conveyed as a “boiling cauldron”. And if I’ve got my facts right, in 2007 the Lord further showed him that Yom Kippur 2014 would mark the time this cauldron really boils over. Click here to read the article, 8 Strategic Turning Points.

Based on this revelatory understanding, he and I both agreed to blow the trumpet and sound the alarm for what we are now immediately facing. Let’s review a few key points from the call from that night.

Step to the Plate in October and Beyond

In the prophetic experience seven years ago involving the fall of 2014, the Lord also showed James, “When all eyes are on a nuclear Iran-as they should be-that will mark the time of greatest threat from Syria.” Please understand this was seven years before most of us heard of ISIS, and four years before the civil war began in Syria.

Warning – Chemical and Biological Warfare

In James’ experience in 2007, the Lord highlighted that a primary danger would be chemical and biological weapons-possibly even those smuggled from Iraq into Syria during the Second Gulf War. James emphasized we need to pray that these weapons not get in the hands of ISIS.

Both the threat and the connection with Iraq have proven accurate. Because the primary architects behind ISIS’ successful invasion of Iraq were not radical Islamists but exiled Baathist generals from Saddam Hussein’s army. Here’s link to Breitbart article.

These generals were known as ‘enforcers’ of Saddam’s regime of subjugation and terror against his own people. And more than likely they know how to access the weapons James has warned of for over a decade.

PM Netanyahu and Israel

James was shown that the “Zechariah 12 Countdown” has actually begun. In 2007 he saw this “Mideast Cauldron” of terrorism and violence spill over into Israel’s Golan Heights. Obviously as ISIS marched west into Iraq from Syria, they and other radical Islamists see Israel as their true prize. We are truly being summoned as “Watchmen on the Wall” for Jerusalem and Israel! For more on the, read Israel, God’s Prophetic Calendar.

Egypt-Region of Refuge and Revival.

James reiterated again and again the importance of praying for Egypt-for awakening, for God’s blessing in the country’s government and economy. I couldn’t agree more. Fuel their beginning revival with more prayer! James has seen reoccurring dreams of Coptic Orthodox priests (and other Christian leaders) coming under an anointing of gifts of healing and workings of miracles and a national revival coming to Egypt.

Could this be a key to the future in birthing God’s Isaiah 19 prophetic movement in the midst of these very challenges? Could pieces be falling into place? Time will tell!

Pray for Believers in Mideast

James noted that they are now being subjected to a level of evil that has not been seen in the earth in 70 years since Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. This evil must be stopped-for their sake and ours. We must pray for our brothers and sisters!

Need a reality check? I strongly suggest reading “The Auschwitz Escape” by Joel Rosenberg. No way you’ll miss the parallels to today.

Praying for Port Cities – Shut the Gates of Sabotage!

James also recalled a prophetic word given to him while in Jerusalem years ago concerning the significance of worship, prayer and high praise being raised up over America’s places of “origin and places of birth”. Perhaps last summer’s Glory Procession on the east coast of the U. S. has been a partial fulfillment of this word.

We specifically need to continue in prayer and close the gates to the enemy in seaports across the nation. Lets shut the gates of sabotage!


Our general response to the fulfillment of prophecy, is often celebratory, but in all honesty, it should be one of humility. As James aptly stated, “I wish the words below could have never seen any manifestation in the earth.”

And my sense is that we’ve entered a season where many such prophetic warnings, generated by the Spirit of God, are coming to pass. Whether engraved on the scrolls of Scripture or shared recently under the inspiration of the Spirit of prophecy, the testimony of Jesus for this hour clearly conveys both the great and terrible day of the Lord. For more on this read The Collision of the Shaking and the Glory. Below are some warnings shared by our friend and prophetic statesman James Goll stated just weeks ago.

Warning: Chemical Weapons from Syria Greatest Threat

Remember, a few weeks ago, James Goll shared a sobering warning on our prayer call. “When the eyes of the world are focused on Iran’s nuclear capacities-as they should be-that’s the very time Syria’s chemical and biological weapons will pose the greatest danger.”

Confirmation – ISIS May Have Obtained Chemical Weapons

The Huffington Post reported that ISIS may already have chemical weapons. “The Islamic State militant group may possess chemical weapons that it has already used to extend its self-proclaimed caliphate, according to photos taken by Kurdish activists and examined by Israeli researchers,” according to the article by Akbar Shahid Ahmed.

“The group, making gains in Iraq and Syria, may have captured chemical agents in Iraq in June and used them in July to kill three Kurdish fighters in the strategically important region of Kobani in northwest Syria”, suggests a report released Sunday by the Global Research in International Affairs Center, a branch of the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel.

Warning: Iraqi WMDs Now Accessed in Syria

On one of the recent calls, James openly declared perceptions that he had shared privately with us before. Iraq indeed possessed weapons of mass destruction when President Bush made his fateful decision to invade. Think of the implications of this. They may not have been nuclear-but chemical and biological weapons.

Further, based on the prophetic warning about chemical weapons from Syria, James believed that much of the chemical and biological weapons already used in Syria were actually smuggled across the border from Iraq years before.

Confirmation: ISIS Chemical Weapons May Be From Saddam’s Arsenals

Recent Fox News reported the same. “Disturbing new photos of ethnic Kurds killed by Islamic State fighters are stoking fears the terrorist army may be using chemical weapons seized from Saddam Hussein’s old arsenals, according to a Middle East watchdog.”

According to the Fox News article by Paul Alster, “…bodies of Syrian Kurds… appear to have been gassed by ISIS in the besieged Kobani region this July. That fighting came just one month after Islamic State forces surged through the once-notorious Muthanna compound in Iraq, the massive base where Hussein began producing chemical weapons in the 1980s, which he used to kill thousands of Kurds in Halabja in northern Iraq in 1988.”

Warning: Is Israel Their Next Target?

When the Spirit of God showed James the vision of a “Boiling Cauldron” spilling over in the Mideast, the Golan Heights was actually highlighted.

Clearly, Israel in general and the Temple Mount in particular represent the ultimate prize for ISIS and radical jihadists of all creeds.

Here’s a point that needs to be made. He “saw” clear specifics of this emerging crisis seven years ago. Further, back in 1987 the Lord showed him three Mideast wars that America would become involved in-one in 1991, one in 2002, and one 2014 that could lead all the way to 2020.

Why would the Spirit of God convey such warnings? Because James isn’t first a prophet, he is an intercessor. Clearly the war and its effects can at least be mitigated through prayer.

For I, declares the Lord, will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst (Zech. 2:5). This is the ultimate expression of “Homeland Security.” And we have the honor of serving as watchmen on these walls, our lamps blazing with holy fire for Jesus and His purposes in the earth.


“If we’re not supposed to be ignorant of devil’s adversarial blueprints,” James Goll mused this last Wednesday night, “then we must have the capacity to access his plans!”

And most preferably, even before they come to pass. The truth of this statement was in full demonstration during our prayer call. Warning! What follows is a strategic-level prophetic intelligence report, encompassing prayer targets that involve significant spiritual engagement.

James wisely counseled us on this. “Some battles you are called to the front lines,” he said. “Sometimes called to bless those called to the front lines. Sometimes it’s not your battle. You need to discern what you need to pick up.”

Really wise advice. That said, fire up those jet engines, and let’s roll!

Overview-Iraq and ISIS

The unfolding Iraq war itself is a boiling cauldron-and the Kurdish people are facing an existential threat.

In forming the nation of Iraq, it probably wasn’t wise for western powers to cram together ethnic groups who had never in history done well together. Obviously they still don’t get along. Sunni Iraqis, frustrated from being marginalized by then-president Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite, essentially invited ISIS in to invade and take over their nation.

According to James, Shias dominate much of southern Iraq, Sunnis reside in the middle of the nation, and Kurds dominate the upper portion. Their ethnic population also spans southern Turkey as well as northern Iraq, northeastern Syria and northwestern Iran.

“Ethnic violence related around radical Islam is now targeting not just Jews but Kurds,” said James. This is perhaps due to their well-known aspirations to frame out their own nation out of the lands in which they dwell. Another reason is the vast resources they steward. Most of the Iraqi oil fields are in the Kurdish region, and are overseen by the Kurds.

James pointed out that the Kurdish land is essentially part of the land of Daniel and Esther-historically known as Babylon. We are dealing with the same geography, and more importantly the same demonic spirit at work when Daniel served, prayed and prophesied.

Watch Turkey Now!

In standing for the Kurds, James felt it was also imperative to pray for Turkey, and especially the nation’s leader, Recep Edrogan. “Turkey is now raising its head, turning from being basically one of the US’s moderate allies,” he said. “Turkey is getting fearful because of the desires of the Kurds to have their own nation.”

I stand with Christians“Turkey is going to react,” James felt prophetically. “It’s could get violent” apart from divine intervention. “They are going to react like a mother chicken trying to keep her chickens under wing. There could be a volatile act coming out of Turkey, maybe a firebomb from a plane, a bomb released, releasing terror and fear.”

As of now, “ISIS coming up from south to take Kurdish cities, and Turkey persecuting Kurds from north,” said James. Iran could attempt eventually to come in and overtake southern Iraq as well as a “puppet regime.”

ISIS Riots Spread Across Europe, Targeting Kurds

The open hostility against the Kurds, directed by Turkish President Edrogan, is catching fire in Europe as well.

“ISIS riots spreading across Europe as Islamists clash with Kurdish supporters in Germany,” declared headlines from the UK Independent. Hamburg has been besieged by riots countering the demonstrations by Kurds against ISIS. “These are the most violent riots since World War II,” James Goll noted, “fueled by radical muslims against the Kurdish population of Hamburg.”

And according to James, “This is going to get repeated in cities across Europe.” (Let’s stand in the gap, though that this does not occur.)

Stop, Curtail, or Mitigate Through Prayer

Another word of wisdom. “Some things you can stop, some things you can curtail, and some things you must discern properly” through prayer, James noted on the call. “Some things the enemy tries to bring forth prematurely, and we need to hem in the enemy to thwart his effort. But lets make sure we are not in any presumptive warfare.”

Prophetic Intel-ISIS Seaport Strategy

Perhaps the most astounding part of the call was a prophetic warning about ISIS seeking to overtake a seaport. Remember we are not to be ignorant of what James called “the devil’s adversarial blueprints.”

“Two Saturdays ago, I lingered with the Lord, paused, rested,” James said. “Rest is the incubation bed of revelation. So Saturday I was lingering. And a whole new thing was coming to me-one of the next plots or ploys to watch out for in dealing with ISIS.”

According to James, “I saw something before it happens, and I do not want it to happen. Territories and cities were lighting up with fire, but this was a distraction for another plan. They want a seaport.”

In pursuit of this goal, James saw how ISIS was planning to sweep through Syria and even cut a swath through Lebanon to the Mediterranean Sea. “I saw in this troop of enemy darkness, dark flags, dark hats, marching through Syria and cutting Lebanon in half. One of the reasons they want seaport in Med is that is part of ISIS’ next major plot or plan.”

I See A Strategic City

While eyes on other hot spots, this could used as a form of distraction. ISIS or ISIL wants to take a swath through middle of Syria and wants to cut Lebanon in half, to ultimately get a seaport. James stated, “I believe in prayer we can cut this off before it happens.”

“But another strategic city lit up to me. I saw a map with a city’s name written out: Aleppo. This is highly strategic. Why?” James mused… “I do not know for sure. But I sense there a hidden chemical weapons factory there and a military base not far away with fighter jets.” Watch the battle over Kopani and Aleppo. (This too has already been confirmed with 3 fighter jets getting into the hands of ISIS.)

There is so much more to share and prayer about that was stated through these strategic prayer calls. But let’s close with the last encouraging dream James received.


Just this week on Wednesday morning, before our call this last Wednesday night, James was given another significant dream which is recorded on the posted prayer call.

“I was lying in my bed and a hot electric blanket came upon me. The external voice of the Lord came into my bedroom and declared, “I want to possess every fiber of your being with my Presence.” This was similar to the time when Samuel Howells prayed over me years ago at the Swansea Bible College of Wales. The son of Rees Howells the intercessor stated to me, “You must understand, the Lord’s servant, was possessed by God!

It seems to me that the Lord is offering once again the mantle of “Crisis Intervention through Intercession“. “This was not an experience that was for me alone. It was a word for all of us who volunteer freely in the day of His power. Be possessed by God! This is the key to effective intercession. It is not as much about methodology – it is about God who possesses His people to alert us ahead of time. We are not called to only pray to God, but to be seated with Christ in the heavenly places and learn to pray with God for such a time as this.”

Humbly Submitted,
Jon Hamil with James W. Goll